How long will the pacifier? The Beckhams are raining criticism because Harper has been with it for 4 years

The Beckham family is one of the most comments and opinions generated, all thanks to parents, Victoria and David, that both in their single stage and when they married they decided to expose their lives to create a style, make a name in the world of fame and, ultimately, achieve being on everyone's lips.

What they probably did not take into account, then, is that this strategy could end up hurting them: people are still aware of their adventures and in the same way they say that David is a great father because a Minion is tattooed to please his daughter Harper , a few days later the criticism rains for take the girl, who is 4 years old, with a pacifier everywhere.

Criticisms of the Beckhams

Following several images of the father with the girl in which she appears with the pacifier, the Daily Mail wrote an article in which some experts opined on the use of the pacifier at those ages, making it clear that it was not the time, that the girl is no longer a baby and can damage the structure of her teeth, make the bite wrong and affect speech development: If you have something in your mouth that prevents you from talking, how are you going to learn to express yourself?

Because the function of a pacifier is clear, which is to calm a baby who is nervous when you have no other means and to help him catch the dream. It is a valid resource by day and we know it is a valid resource at night, which has even been seen to act as a protector against sudden death. But of course, from there to continue using it as a method that calms a girl who is already 4 years old, goes a long way.

David Beckham's defense on social networks

Faced with criticism, the offended father decided to defend himself:

Why do people feel they have the right to criticize a father about his children without having any data? Everyone who has children knows how to comfort their little ones when they do not feel well or have a fever and most of the time it is a pacifier. So those who criticize, think twice before talking about other people's children because, in fact, they have no right to criticize me as a father.

That is, it gives the feeling that the girl was wearing the pacifier because that day she was not very well, or so he says.

And in reality he is absolutely right in the world: nobody should comment on how they raise or educate their children. Nobody, because besides, who else who less, we have all done things with our children that are not recommended, as I explained a few days ago right here. That the child is restless, does not stop and needs you to be for him and it turns out that instead of paying attention to him you plug the iPad that turns out to keep him quiet and quiet for a good while ... well hey, it is not recommended, but at at that moment you are coming with pearls because you were doing other things. Beckham? Well, yes, I could also start looking for alternatives to calm the girl, who 4 years is a considerable age so that a hug, the little hand, take a while in her arms or affectionate words have a similar effect.

Come on, you're right, nobody should criticize you, but I also say something else: if you have looked for it, David, and people are very opinion, that it seems a lie that with how big you are you do not understand this yet. You proclaimed yourselves a new model of the new era and the people, of course, are aware of everything you do. Garlic and water, as they say here ("A jo" to stop and "water" to swim).

When should a child leave the pacifier?

But hey, I don't go into what they do or stop doing because, in fact, I am very little interested in that couple and their experiences. I have never seen them as a model to look at and, as I suspect, I will never notice. Now, the commotion of the girl to take a pacifier with 4 years does seem worthy of comment, because surely right now, in the world, there are thousands of children of 4 years with pacifier, and perhaps it is because parents do not know when Should a child stop using it.

Following this news, in La Voz de Galicia we have been able to read a pediatrician and a pharmacist give their recommendations and although they agree that "the sooner they leave it, the better" they are clear that "The pacifier is better than the finger". That is, if you are going to take the child's pacifier and replace it with your finger, it is better to leave the pacifier because the finger will always be there, it also deforms the dentures and because many children become real misfortunes when sucking it.

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics, for his part, comments in an article about the use of the pacifier that:

To avoid other adverse effects of the use of the pacifier it is recommended, in all children, to limit its use until the year of life, which includes the maximum risk ages of the SIDS and those in which the infant is more in need of sucking.

And when they talk about avoiding adverse effects it means that:

Its use has been related to the shortening of breastfeeding time and difficulties in breastfeeding, the increased frequency of otitis media, dental problems and risk of accidents.

So, although it seems clear that the pacifier helps children calm down and fall asleep, it should be used only when they are little so that the resource does not become custom. The ideal, then, is withdraw it a year.

But who withdraws it a year?

Well, I don't know, but I think nobody, because in the same way that it becomes customary for the baby, it is also for the parents, because it is the resource they use when the child becomes nervous or cries, or to help him to sleep. So is very common to see children of 2 and 3 years with the pacifier in the mouth, being the age at which many already leave.

For this, we must not press them to do it, but go looking for alternatives: that they see that other children do not use a pacifier and they realize that the older ones do not wear, soothe the child in another way, use the pacifier only to fall asleep. see you later remove it, etc.

Come on, something like when talking about weaning a child, whose recommendation is "do not offer, do not deny, replace":

  • Do not offer: If we want the child to stop using it, we cannot go with the pacifier behind them. For us it has to, in a way, disappear, not think of it as a resource, and consequently eliminate it from our visual field and, above all, from the child's visual field: not to see it.
  • Not deny: If he doesn't see it, he asks you to, give it to him. It is enough to smell that you do not want to give it, that something has changed with the pacifier, which begins to be a "forbidden object", so that I still want it more ("they want to take it from me, I do not let it go").
  • Replace: have controlled the moments in which we know that usually ask for more the pacifier and anticipate looking for alternatives. If he asks when we go out to give him something to eat, or go down to the street with the child in his arms, talking, asking him things, etc. At night, to sleep, try to fall asleep in another way, caressing, telling a story until he falls, singing a song ...
  • "Grow" the girl: This is an extra tip, which is linked to all the processes of "stop doing baby things". If we want a child to leave the diaper, if we want him to leave the pacifier, if we want him to behave like a child and not like a baby, we have to treat him like a child, and not like a baby. Many parents (I do not know if it is the case of the Beckhams) continue to treat their 4-year-old children as if they were, behind all day as if they were unable to have the slightest autonomy, when what they are doing is delaying even more its development You have to let them grow, you have to let them try to do things that we always do to them (because many times they try and we, to go faster, we don't let them) and you have to talk to them as children and not as babies (that the "meow" is a cat, "tete" the pacifier and "baby" is the child).

Come on, parents can do many things to remove the pacifier without trauma. Another thing is that they want to do them or that they don't think it's bad that their daughter wears a pacifier, like this good man, who doesn't seem to be the biggest concern.

Photos | Hello Daily Mail
In Babies and more | When is the use of the pacifier harmful? Does the pacifier generate tranquility or dependence? AEP recommendations on the use of the pacifier

Video: Why Are People Freaking Out About Victoria Beckham And Her Daughter? (July 2024).