How was the adaptation to your children's school? the question of the week

Well, everything comes and September was not going to be an exception and with it came back to school or the beginning, as the case may be.

At our question of the week we want to Tell us how you all did, to the children on that important day, in that reunion with friends or in that beginning of a new adventure and also to you, who surely will have had some other feeling found.

How was the adaptation to your children's school?

Last week we asked you: How about covering yourself to breastfeed in public? to see what you told us about it.

  • Thebitch told us: I find it indifferent. There are women who feel uncomfortable teaching their chest and prefer to cover themselves, and it doesn't seem bad. I have never used anything similar and I have breastfed even in the church, and I have never felt that they looked at me badly or anything similar. Of course, I could do it until three months because from that moment on, any noise confused him and he kept moving, turning his head, etc. I am that everyone does what they want :)

  • fernanda_v told us: I do not do it, if my child is hungry I breastfeed him because he does not wait, I have even given him walking. If someone doesn't see it well, I honestly don't care, don't look. Since I was a mother I have left many prejudices behind, and now for me the most important thing is the well-being of my baby.

  • elberet said: In my opinion, it is one thing to be discreet and try to "teach" as little as possible (Something that I have always tried because I am quite shy), and another thing is to cover your child completely so that "you are not seen" It seems to be somewhat overwhelming. My children never accepted to be covered like this (although I didn't try much, haha)

If you do it because YOU feel more comfortable (YOU, not others) or because the child is less distracted ... Go ahead. Everyone is free to say how to act and every child is a world. But that they impose it on you as an "obligation" or because "as it exists if you don't use it, you are an" exhibitionist "NO. Idem with the nursery rooms. You use them if you want and you can and if you don't want or can't (when there is more it is more difficult to escape from a child) because you do not use them.Personally if in a restaurant where I breastfed I had "offered" a breastfeeding like the one in the photo or a tablecloth to cover my son, I would have felt the same that if you "invited" me to use the nursing room, thank you but no thanks, we are very comfortable here and so on.

  • Marujismo commented: If someone has a need to cover themselves to breastfeed, there is still a lot to do in terms of normalization of breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is an absolutely normal act and as such does not need to be hidden. I think that seeing a woman covered with breastfeeding all she does is feed the "breastfeeding" act of breastfeeding a child.

Now the new question for this week is now available and remember that you have a week to answer it Please do so in the "Answers" section and not responding to this entry. I know that I repeat myself, but if you answer here we can not take them into account for next week.