After school students arrive, have you asked your child what he wants to do?

Chess, tennis, judo, crafts, ballet, theater, yoga, soccer, computer science, languages ​​... The options are multiplied and in many homes these days are discussed about children's extracurriculars. Is it debated? Or is it decided without consulting interested parties? Extracurricular activities reach family agendas, but have we asked our children what they want to do?

Because sometimes we simply decide for them, regardless of their true tastes and interests. It is possible that our family organization does not allow the child to choose any activity (by price, by schedule ...). But there are almost always several possibilities.

And it is that the demand for this type of after school activities is extended every year that passes. In this way, by asking them, they can choose what they like best, and they can also give us their reasons. They may not be as interested in learning English or doing a sport as in making crafts or chess. Or the sport they do may not satisfy them enough and they would exchange it for another.

As for the reasons, they might surprise us. Maybe the child wants to go to that extra-school to which his friends go, or the one taught by his favorite teacher, or the one that excites him, the one that activates his imagination, the one that enhances some skills that he begins to discover ... They are his reasons and At least we should listen to them. Maybe later we can "juggle" and attend that activity.

Y we should not only ask our children what extracurricular they want to do, also how many. And ask ourselves, do we want geniuses, superstars or happy children?

The extracurricular activity that makes our children happy

Every family is a world and every child is too. Many circumstances come together so that An extracurricular activity is the most appropriate for the child and make him feel good, enjoy it, not reject something that should be a hobby, entertainment, apart from providing benefits on a physical or intellectual level.

It seems that in our competitive world and in our day, what matters most is that the child stands out in languages, that he learns to read and write as soon as possible, that he "is the best" and that he is already. I would not be surprised if there were classes in the "Walking" nursery schools. But certain things require their time and especially many activities will not make our children happier.

Extracurricular activities have to be carried out in their proper measure, since targeting the little ones to more extracurriculars of the account can have negative consequences, causing the initial objective of this type of activities to completely vanish. Overloading the children's "agenda" could even negatively impact certain children's cognitive abilities, according to one study.

But it is not necessary to go to scientific studies to intuit that, if the child does not have free time or if the child does not like what he does, his well-being suffers. Or doesn't it happen to any of us? We should not assume that they "like everything", because although it may be true that they conform to almost any circumstance, the practice of an activity that does not satisfy them has no benefit. Let's not extend an activity that we see that does not "work" with our child (even if it is the one he had chosen in principle).

Therefore, if you are turning the extracurricular sheet, stop for a moment and Ask your son: what would you like to do? Or, at least, give them a choice between the options that best suit your time needs. Because, let's face it, that matters too. We may be surprised and, who knows, maybe we will soon discover some talent of his ... without imagining it!

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In Babies and more | Less extracurricular due to the crisis, more overweight children, Extracurricular activities: in their right measure