How to avoid back pain when you are breastfeeding

When you breastfeed your child you create a very close emotional bond with him, it is a very comforting moment for both of you. However, it can also lead to some inconvenience if you adopt a bad posture, putting the back and neck muscles under tension That usually ends in pain. This can be avoided by following these simple guidelines with which you will enjoy breastfeeding in a relaxed way and feeling that connection with your special little one.

Never hunched over and always protecting the lower back

Breastfeeding on the bed sitting on cushions is comfortable but not the best for your back. Scroll to an armchair with arms that makes it easy for you to keep your spine straight and offer you good support from the lower back. It can also be a chair with armrests.

Place a back cushion To favor the natural concave curve, it is a great way to relax the lower back muscles and prevent lower back pain. Stress can also cause pain due to the extra tension, so sit back, relax and get ready to feel comfortable.

Avoid slouching, bring the baby to your chest and not vice versa. Your gut and his should be glued, so you don't have to turn your head. To suck properly, the lower lip must be turned down, and your nose and chin touching your chest.

Muscles relaxed with a breastfeeding pillow

Use a large, dense and ergonomically designed pillow, like Chicco's Boppy, to raise the baby, so you keep your spine straight and avoid tension in the upper muscles of the back, neck, shoulders and arms. With this support, you attract the baby towards you without feeling muscular fatigue, especially as the weeks go by and the baby gains weight.

The Boppy pillow fits your position but then it returns to its original form thanks to the fiber filling that is soft but at the same time firm and stable due to its exclusive elastic component of microspheres. This guarantees proper posture during breastfeeding and proper suction.

Its use also allows the kid to be lying up and also face down, which helps strengthen the muscles of the neck and facilitate crawling. When your back is strong enough, it also serves to sit on it. That is, that this pillow, recommended by midwives, accompanies you throughout your psychomotor development.

Different postures to avoid muscle fatigue

To avoid overloading the muscles of the back, shoulders and neck, use different postures so that the same parts of the body are not always in tension. Try to breastfeed your little one in position lying on your side and holding your head with the Boppy pillow and with your arm that of the little one, who is lying next to you in parallel.

Known as rugby or american football posture It consists of placing the child under your arm, supported by a pillow in which the child is lying with his feet behind your back. With your forearm, hold your back. This posture is perfect after giving birth by caesarean section.

In the cradle posture, the classic If you breastfeed, you use the same arm on the side of the chest that the child sucks to hold his head and with the opposite you take the breast to facilitate suction. With the grab crib cross, the arms change their roles: if you have to give the left breast, use the hand and the left arm to grab the chest and with the other arm attached the back of the child, who is lying on the pillow.

These are the most common positions to breastfeed the baby without forcing the back, with time and experience you will discover which one suits your preferences and is more comfortable for you.

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