United Kingdom launches a campaign to encourage mothers to breastfeed in public

Although in that country it is illegal to ask a mother to stop breastfeeding in a public place, more than a third of English mothers are afraid to feed their babies in view of others, while one in five He doesn't do it because he feels that people disapprove.

In view of the results of the survey conducted by the Public Health System of United Kingdom, have decided to launch a campaign to encourage mothers to breastfeed in public without feeling guilty or ashamed for doing so.

Most accept breastfeeding in public

According to the survey conducted with more than 2,300 people, breastfeeding in public is generally well accepted, 77 percent of respondents said so, but it depends on the place where it is practiced.

It is worse seen that a mother breastfeeds her baby in a restaurant (36%) than in a park bench (17%) or on the beach (12%). Curious that 66 percent see it acceptable for a mother to do it in a public restroom.

In addition to these data, the survey also reflected that six out of 10 mothers have tried to hide their breastfeeding in public, while 34 percent have felt embarrassed or uncomfortable. That is to say, there are women who want to breastfeed their children in public, but do not feel free to do so for fear of not being well accepted.

Following these data, the United Kingdom has launched the Start4life campaign that offers new parents information and advice on breastfeeding, health, parenting and care of the baby during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum.

But there are women who don't like to breastfeed in public

It is true. Not all mothers feel comfortable breastfeeding in public, and of course, it is absolutely respectable. Although there are very discreet ways to do it, without seeing the breast if the woman feels modesty, there are those who prefer to cover up or look for more intimate places to do so.

The worrying thing is that there are mothers who do not for fear of being discriminated against, or having to endure unpleasant looks or comments. The unacceptable thing is that a mother is frowned upon by feeding her baby at a restaurant table and is forced into a public restroom with hygienic conditions that may leave much to be desired.

Who is offended not to look

I have always thought that the problem is in those who see something dirty or inappropriate in a mother who feeds her baby in public. If a baby drinks a bottle, nobody is shocked, but if he drinks breast milk, he no longer looks so innocent. Why, because it feeds on his mother's chest, the most natural act there is?

Do not feel ashamed for feeding your baby where needed. Those of us who have been mothers know that a hungry baby does not know or have to wait. If you have your food "at hand" (or a tit, in this case), let nothing stop you from meeting your needs.

As Armando recommended a while ago, when someone bothers to see you breastfeed in public, show him that you are offended.

These are the results in a country where breastfeeding in public is regulated by law. It would be necessary to see what would happen in our country, where although a law has been requested to protect it (and it seems unbelievable that it is necessary to ask for it) it is a pending subject that seen what has been seen, will take time to arrive.