Does my back really have to hurt during breastfeeding? Exercises for nursing mothers

Already during pregnancy, most mothers have discomfort with the weight of their babies and in many cases there are problems of sciatica, low back pain, heaviness of legs and of course, Back pain. When we start breastfeeding, night walks in the arms, the colecho or bad postures can cause us to have backaches. Despite being an extended belief as an "urban legend", There is no relationship between breastfeeding and bone pain.

The safest thing is that it is repeated bad postures, in addition to the new "exercise" of cradling your baby for many hours walking or standing. From the Spanish Association of Pediatrics they assure us that if you have back pain you may need to take care of your spine and strengthen the paravertebral muscles with exercises. You must be careful and not take heavy loads.

The most prudent in these cases, if the pains are very intense, it is consult the traumatologist To make a diagnosis of its origin, and once you know the cause you can decide on the most appropriate treatment. But usually it is a matter of postural reeducation, with which your body will recover good customs.

A few days ago we saw what are the best positions to breastfeed and avoid back pain. The use of a breastfeeding pillow Specific is essential for the posture to be correct. The Chicco Boppy breastfeeding pillow elevates the baby towards us, so that the spine stays straight. If your back still hurts, we propose a series of exercises to do at home and strengthen your muscles.

Ideally, once you have the gynecologist discharge, you go to a pilates class where a monitor will help you with the postures, but many times, with a newborn it is practically impossible, so a good option is to make our exercises at home. It is not about doing many repetitions of the exercise, but that our whole body slowly stretches and regains its natural state.

Cervical and lumbar extension

Now we begin the first exercise to strengthen all the back muscles, in addition to correctly articulating the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine. We lie face down on the mat with our hands under our shoulders and gradually lift the trunk, making sure that we pass one by one for each of the vertebrae until they are upright with the hip always in contact with the ground. The elevation must be slow, smooth, without forcing, and we must not neglect breathing, if we will not end up exhausted too soon. This exercise will help us give mobility and flexibility especially to the lumbar and cervical region.

Cat pose

It is a posture that is widely used in Pilates, and also as therapeutic exercise to make the spine flexible and stretch the back muscles. We start from the Pilates rest position, that is, with the butt on the heels, the arms extended in front of the head and the forehead attached to the mat, we can maintain this posture, which is great for the back, for about 20 seconds to download and decongest the muscles of the back and shoulders.

Then the exercise is executed starting from the quadruped position, keeping the back parallel to the floor and hands and knees aligned, like the legs of a table. What it is about is control your breathing well, and perform the movement slowly, without abruptness, stretching and growing to mobilize the spine.

Balancing with arm and leg in reverse high

We start from the same initial position of the previous exercise, in quadruped, on a mat, placing the back parallel to the floor, supporting knees and hands, separated and arms well aligned with the shoulders, like the legs of a table. We keep our heads neutral, looking at the ground.

The exercise consists of simultaneously raise opposite arm and leg. Arriving more or less to extend well both the arm and the leg, and also place them in a plane parallel to the ground. If we have good balance, we can hold the position for a while (15-20 seconds) and then slowly lower, and repeat with the other arm and the other leg.

Remember that it is a postural reeducation and you have to do the exercises slowly so that your spine is stretched, at the slightest discomfort, you should leave it. With good postures and these exercises, you will feel better every day.

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Video: Breastfeeding with the Thompson Method (May 2024).