When a girl takes a pair of scissors and decides to make a video tutorial on how to cut her hair

The videos of Youtube in which women explain how to paint, how to comb their hair, how to cut their bangs, and a great etcetera with ideas and advice to be better. These videos are not foreign to boys or girls, who often end up seeing the same thing their mothers see.

This is what should have happened with the girl in this video, who decided to put herself in front of the camera, even with all the spots still stained with food, to make a video tutorial on how to cut your hair with scissors.

When you leave the kids alone for one minute.

Posted by Mom's Got Ink on Thursday, January 21, 2016

And when did his mother arrive?

Everything is left for our imagination. When the mother arrived she found what you see in the video. The girl with that self-haircut, hairs everywhere and a camera filming the scene. If he got more or less angry, I leave it at your discretion, although I want to think that after anger he laughed for a while (probably trying to keep her from seeing or hearing him), given that she uploaded the video later on the networks.

But why?

Many children cut their hair, and not precisely because there are cameras in front because this is done since the scissors exist. Surely more than one and one of those who are reading this did you ever do it, or did it to a little brother (little creatures, always victims of the experiments of the elderly).

This girl did it to teach other girls to do it, but other boys do it for other reasons: because it is fun to play haircuts, because when they cut their hair people tell them that they are very handsome with the new hairstyle (and they want to be told again how handsome they are) and because they simply have no sense of self-image; It is an age at which it is exactly the same to wear it, so wear it that way.

In this case, if the girl ends up being older YouTuber, of giving advice on aesthetics and fashion, you already have your first video, with which you will surely get thousands of visits.

Video: i cut my hair with craft scissors (July 2024).