If you have been caught in full mischief, become the statue

In the animal world, there are many forms of defense against an imminent danger, some animals swell to increase their size and appear larger than they really are, others show teeth and claws to indicate how dangerous they are and that the aggressor decides It is better not to mess with them, others decide to trust their legs and run away or, if you are lucky enough to have wings, fly away.

Many of these techniques are used by us, humans, when we are faced with a perlígro, moreover, we could say that except for flying we use all of them. But what happens when we look at the world of our children? What happens when you get caught in the middle of a mischief? Well, you either lie to see if it sneaks or does like our young friend and you use the ancient technique of standing still to see if danger confuses you with a decorative statue and passes by. So you already know, If you have been caught in full mischief, become the statue.

Many times, when I catch my children doing some mischief or something it seems broken, coincidentally, by their side and I ask them who has it been? I usually get different answers, especially if they are both together. They tend to get along quite well and in the end one ends up justifying the action of the other and vice versa so that between how funny the story is sometimes invented and the faces of "I just passed by here" it becomes difficult to apply discipline.

But it is that the little one of the video is a true professional in the escape at the time of evading dangers, his technique before having been discovered, Become the statue. And you will see how he has the polishing technique because the uncle is able to pass an entire interrogation without a muscle moving except for the inevitable lashes that eventually end up being the only way of communicating outward and also knowing that the aliens have not paralyzed him.

I recommend the video, because despite being in English I believe that any father can imagine the situation and put himself in the place of the mother that as happens to me many times is unable to maintain the composure that the action requires and ends up dead of laughter If you have to love them to rage.

And your children, what technique do they use?

Video: Mayor Lewis Exposed! Gold Statue Event! - Stardew Valley (May 2024).