A woman documents the day-to-day maternity to be seen by those who believe she does nothing at home

But what do you complain about if all you have to do is watch the baby? This is the question that a friend told this mother that surely many other mothers have heard from people around them when they say that "my mother, I did not expect this to be a mother was so exhausting."

And that when it is not your partner who says that "how is everything, have you done nothing?". To answer all of them, a woman decided to document, stick of selfies in hand, the day to day of motherhood to show the world what a mother really does.

As we read in BoredPanda, this mother's name is Yuliya SkorobogatovaShe lives in Moscow with her family and admits that she does not have to wake up at 5 in the morning to cross the city in the subway, like sardines, to go to work, or wait in traffic jams while the songs are passing.

But nevertheless, that does not make motherhood easier, and although he cannot complain about everything that those who work suffer, he can complain about other things, or at least be able to say "this being a mother is exhausting", without anyone telling him that "he does nothing."

To show it, he decided to document the day-to-day life at home so that his friends, and really everyone he wanted, would discover what is being a mother. And for those who already are, at least they felt recognized and accompanied. We are not his friends, but fathers and mothers who have lived similar things, so we thank this mother for showing us a reality for many known, especially for those who have not lived, know what the thing is.

Some mornings start at nine, and others at five

He still uses the most natural product to feed Vasilisa; Moscou's best food

She is never alone, and when she says it is never EVER

Sometimes the girl gets tired of the morning conversations and so she can continue with the pending issues in the morning

But his naps are short, so try to get ready as quickly as possible, in the best way possible

Try to get the family to eat properly, so it is important to have the food ready on time.

They also cook together, of course ...

After breakfast it helps you take care of your garden-balcony, taking the opportunity to floss your three teeth

They love to go out, and especially when they prepare for it.

There is no one who can get bored while standing at the doctor, let alone if you have toys

You always leave the park with the best advice on food, health and education from the most expert mothers

It's great to be able to go to the beauty salon on the way home ...

How could they live without diapers, wipes and creams?

Honey, how much does that garment cost? Can you eat the price?

When the eldest daughter asks to be fashionable

And like every good family, they all have dinner at the same table, don't they?

Vasilisa loves to be clean after dinner

He always has help to do housework twice as long

In addition he always advises you how to make them better

When you finish everything sometimes you can look at the computer and even look at the mail

Her daughter loves to check that her mother is using the necessary amount of soap.

And she loves bubble bath

The girl loves to play with her mother, although she arrives a little tired after midnight; the girl doesn't seem to care too much

Video: Never Before Seen Marilyn Monroe Autopsy Photos (May 2024).