Seven powerful reasons why children should not listen (and see) reggaeton

Children are big consumers of music. They like to sing and dance to the rhythm of the catchiest songs, and without a doubt, reggaeton is a genre that invites to move the skeleton. They sing the lyrics of the songs even though they don't understand a quarter of what they mean, but when I hear my daughters sing "with you I want to make mischief", "you are very hard, I can not restrain myself" I get my hair on end. Through tablets and smartphones they have access to endless lists of the most listened to reggaeton. A video behind the other of explicit sex images and lyrics that are not precisely naive. We grew up listening to Miliki songs, but our children listen to reggaeton!

Do your children listen to this type of music? It is possible that yes, or that you have ever heard it, because although we want to avoid it, it sounds wherever we go. We give you seven powerful reasons why children should not listen (and see) reggaeton. Seven reasons why, at least to me, I don't like my daughters to listen to him. For the record, I don't have anything against this music, and I have a lot of fun dancing it, but I don't think it's a suitable content for the little ones.

Explicit sex

The sexual content They are a constant in reggaeton videos. In all of them (or almost all) there is some sex scene, fiddling or perreo, and it doesn't seem like the kind of images a child should see. At no time is it noticed that the content is not suitable for minors. We see them on TV at any time, in videos, on the internet ...


Cochazos, mansions, luxury clothes, gold chains ... The hallmark of reggaeton singers, or at least the characters that star in the videos, is based on elements such as how to dress, talk, the music they listen to and also in the possession of material objects. The more money you have, the cooler you are. A value that I don't like to instill in my daughters.

Disdain of women

The woman is reified. We criticize Barbie, but we don't even talk about the women who star in reggaeton videos. They are sculptural women, with perfect generous bodies of hips and front, with everything very well placed to meet the needs of men like sexual objects.

Most of the time they are women who cheat on their partners, seduced by a more "smart and sexy" uncle than the "stupid" husband. They do not even have decision power. They are seduced and delivered. They are manipulable.

The way to dance it

Reggaeton is a catchy and hot rhythm, very sensual to dance. The children have fun and copy the way they dance they see in the videos. Thus, it is not difficult to find videos like the one we see below on the internet "perreando" children to the rhythm of the music. Many times it is even the parents themselves who encourage the children to perform these obscene movements.

Hot letters

Have you ever stopped to listen to the lyrics? The rhythm is so catchy that sometimes we overlook the lyrics, and that is the perception of children, but although they do not understand them yet and are not influenced by them, they are very strong.

Some examples: "Come, give me in bed, My fever, For your body to satisfy you, Do not feel alone, Do not be afraid, That I want to punish you", "Daddy, give me what I want!", "Treacherous cat, will be my prisoner, Sail that I catch you wherever and however you want ”

Already from the titles we can insinuate the lyrics of the songs: "Night of sex", "Cat fierce", "You're tempting me", "Undress ourselves", to name a few.

The effects on adolescence

When people listen to a certain musical genre they feel invaded by these feelings. In adolescence, when hormones explode, children they feel identified with this kind of musical content. In countries where reggaeton is the most listened genus this phenomenon has been related to the early pregnancy In teenage girls.

On the other hand, a study that has investigated the direct relationship between musical tastes and the intelligence of teenagers who were doing university entrance tests, concluded that reggaeton fans have a lower IQ than the rest .

It is not "just music"

Music is not just a hobby. In 81% of homes, music is heard every day. After playing sports and watching television is the favorite activity of children.

Music is one of the main elements for cultural formation, and has a great influence on the behaviors and emotions that human beings reflect. Is a learning instrument, so what our children hear should worry us. UNICEF psychologist Francisca Morales says that "just as we care about the health and education of children, we must take care of the right to recreation: music gives children cultural identity."

I think they are very powerful reasons to consider the type of musical content that our children consume. Just as we are concerned about what they see on television or the toys they play with, why does it seem that music does not concern us in the same way?

Video: KIDS REACT TO EMINEM (July 2024).