What happens if I don't give birth?

Between 38 and 42 weeks of pregnancy the majority of women give birth, and although it is likely that when you reach 40 you already believe that it is too late and you do not see the time for the baby to be born, you are not out of term. A pregnancy is considered to be out of term or a baby is post-term when it exceeds 42 weeks of gestation. So, What happens if I don't give birth?

And although it is likely that there was an error in the calculation of the probable date of delivery (it is estimated that only 2% of pregnancies are actually prolonged), doctors usually take into account other options for labor to occur and They don't let much more time pass.

When week 42 of gestation is approaching and childbirth has not been triggered spontaneously, the gynecologist can attempt the separation or detachment of membranes, which consists of separating with the finger and by circular movements around the wall of the uterus the thin membrane which connects the amniotic sac this uterine wall.

This maneuver is only performed if there is already some dilation and the neck has matured and softened (and there is no complication in pregnancy). By separating this membrane, the body releases hormones called prostaglandins, which help prepare the cervix for childbirth and that may trigger the first contractions. However, this method works only in some women.

In Babies and more What happens after over 42 weeks of pregnancy

In any case, when the weeks pass and the term approaches it is important to check the condition of the baby through fetal control, monitors and ultrasound. If these tests show that the baby is active and healthy and that the volume of amniotic fluid is normal, the gynecologist will usually recommend waiting a little longer and continuing fetal control at scheduled intervals in the hope that the delivery will begin naturally.

If the detachment of membranes does not work, or the cervix is ​​not softened and the monitors do not indicate contractions and the days go on, the gynecologist will recommend the hospital admission to induce labor onset. The technique for this depends on several factors to be assessed by the professional.

At the hospital, doctors can try to provoke a delivery favoring the onset of contractions, by breaking the water bag (also called amniotomy): a way for the mother to "break water" artificially. The doctor breaks the amniotic sac during vaginal examination, using a small plastic hook to break the membranes. If the cervix is ​​ready for delivery, the amniotomy usually triggers it within hours.

This technique is usually combined with the artificial administration of the substances that the body itself produces when the woman goes into labor naturally. The most used are:

  • Prostaglandins: These are substances that help the cervix to mature and in some cases trigger labor. They are administered vaginally through an egg or a gel and sometimes more than one dose is needed on consecutive days. It can also be administered orally. Sometimes it is used before administering the hormone oxytocin if prostaglandins do not work.

  • Oxytocin: This hormone that induces uterine contraction is administered intravenously, first at reduced doses, and then the dose is increased until labor progresses without complications. After administering the medication, the condition of the fetus and uterus should be carefully monitored. Oxytocin is also frequently used in the case of slow or stagnant births, to attempt acceleration or advancement.

Risks if delivery is delayed

In general, there are no major risks for the mother or the baby, since, as we have pointed out, it is very likely that there is no long pregnancy but the probable date of delivery has been miscalculated. However, at the end of the pregnancy, the discomfort of the weight, the large volume of the belly, the swelling of the feet, the problems of sleeping ...

Some risks to the fetus are that if the pregnancy is prolonged, the placenta may "age": it stops working effectively as throughout the pregnancy, so the fetus may not receive the necessary food or oxygen. Another possible complication is meconium aspiration syndrome, if the fetus defecates in a smaller amount of amniotic fluid and then inhales it.

If the baby has grown more than normal, vaginal delivery may be difficult (caesarean section rates increase) or it may cause more trauma to the mother at birth (higher rate of perineal lesions).

Apart of this, Post term babies are usually born healthy and without any complications, although its appearance may be a little different: wrinkled skin, nails and longer hair ...

In Babies and more Induction of labor: in which cases it is performed, when and what risks it entails

And what can I do if I don't give birth?

If you have reached these lines, it is probably because your delivery is delayed. And what you most want is for this to occur naturally. Quiet, you can still do it if there are no contraindications or risk for pregnancy. How to cause labor to occur naturally? With these "tricks" of which we have spoken to you on occasion:

  • Walk, dance, since pelvic swaying helps dilate the cervix.
  • Make love, since sperm contains prostaglandins and also orgasm favors contractions.
  • Stimulates the nipples, as oxytocin is produced.
  • Take chocolate or something sweet, which stimulates the baby's movements.

Finally, keep calm and tranquility, which together with good humor will allow you to be relaxed and more repaired to face the great moment. Most likely there is no risk if the delivery is delayed and if you arrive at week 42 with no sign that the baby wants to leaveThere are safe and controlled ways to make this happen, both in the hospital and under medical supervision.

In Babies and more, what risks exist if delivery is delayed?

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In Babies and more | What happens after exceeding 42 weeks of pregnancy