Do you want to take your baby with your own hands in the caesarean section? A mother does it and documents it in photos

It is not the first time we talked about assisted caesarean section or natural caesarean section, so little by little we will have to get used to this term because in the future the majority of mothers who are going to give birth by caesarean section will be offered this possibility.

What am i talking about? Well of get your baby out of your womb with your own hands when you have a cesarean section. Or at least partially: the gynecologist removes a part (which is not a plan for the mother to put her hands in the womb), the head and part of the chest, and then the mother takes the baby and just brought it to life. If you want to see it more graphically, look at the photos of this mother, who documented it to show the world her birth.

It happened in Queensland, in Australia, on the same continent where a woman extracted her twins in the same way a little over a year ago. It was the first birth of Sarah Downs and although she wanted to give birth naturally the doctors told her that it could not be.

The baby had to be born by caesarean section and then she thought she could do it in a way that was a part of her caesarean section, of her birth, that she didn't have that feeling that they "took her out of the girl", but that she was "I I bring to the world. "

For this, he went to a gynecologist who had already made news for assisting four women before and expressed his desire to receive the same treatment. From that moment he prepared for the moment of delivery by rehearsing with him how he would do it when he finally touched, both to know what he had to do and, above all, to have the confidence of knowing that I was going to do it right.

Prepared as if she were going to do the caesarean section

Before the caesarean section, she washed her hands thoroughly, as if she were the one to do the caesarean section for another woman, or herself. At the top he put on sterile gloves that would serve to catch your baby without risk of infection itself That would be very dangerous.

When he reached the moment he held her, pulled her carefully and carried her to his chest. And then all the contained emotions surfaced, breaking into tears of happiness, convinced that what had just happened was the best thing he had done in his life.

Why a respected caesarean section?

If any of you wonder why doing so, I can only answer "because there are mothers who want it that way." In the same way that when talking about vaginal birth there are mothers who want to feel, who want to live their birth, who want to be protagonists and give birth according to the position that the body asks them, there are others who prefer to feel less, not suffer, that is all more controlled and directed by the professionals or even some that if they could choose they would ask for a "to sleep and take it out".

Well, this is the same: many women are among the first, who would like to live it, feel it and see it all, and seeing that everything will end in caesarean section they suffer (many times in silence, as we said a few days ago), and they see the light when someone tells them: you will give birth by caesarean section, but if you want it may be you who take the baby out.

And we talk about respected caesarean section if they later add a "and the father can be with you, and if you want you can put it on your chest and have it skin to skin as long as it takes ...". And it is that a caesarean section is not only painful at a psychological level for some women for not having given birth to their baby, but also for suffering a separation of more than one and sometimes two hours and by live it alone, without the couple, with no one next to give them support.

Yes, it is true, more and more hospitals allow the couple to stay with the mother in the caesarean section, because it is necessary to continue fighting so that in addition to that the baby can also stay with her later and so that, if she asks for it, it can be she herself who brings it to the world.

Via and Photos | DailyMail
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