A former Playboy bunny posts a picture of her body after two pregnancies

One of the best things about the Internet and social networks is that people known from television, movies and magazines are shown in their daily lives and teach us, to the rest of the world, that they are not as special or different as we think. One of the events that causes changes to a greater or lesser extent to all women are the pregnancies, and although many strive to disguise, lose kilos as soon as possible or even operate so that it seems that nothing has happened, others take pictures without any look.

It is the case of Kendra Wilkinson, a ex-playboy bunny who wanted to celebrate Mother's Day showing up as it is now, as a result of his two pregnancies, and whose photos are becoming viral, although he later deleted them.

"Look what my children did to me"

Kendra posted a composition of two photos on her Instagram and accompanied him as follows: "Look what my children did to me. They make me happy. # FelizDíaDeLasMadres". A phrase with double meaning when talking about his six and two year old children, which made him have the body shown in the photos, and that made him happy.

It is not known why, after the publication and after sharing a few hours on the networks, he removed them from his account. Now the images are still shared and she, far from denouncing or complaining, he's retweeting them.

A small dose of reality

In the era of Photoshop and daily fitness, although you have just been a mother, there are many famous women who do what is possible and impossible to return to what they were before pregnancy, and in case of not achieving it, they make use of photo retouching to go out in the photos as if they were 5 or 10 years younger. This lie only tries to show the world that women have to aspire to be like this: a product of the computer that does not exist in reality, that only manages to bitter the lives of those who try to emulate them.

Given this situation it is appreciated when one of these magazine women sends a small dose of reality: you will see me great in many magazines, but I'm not that one, but this one that I show you. Love yourself as you are and do not try to be who you are not, because then it will no longer be you, but one more product trying to please those who are only going to look at what they see. And as the phrase says, the danger is very great: "He fell in love with his flowers and not his roots and in the autumn he didn't know what to do."

Video: Ex-Playboy Model Faces Backlash For Fat-Shaming Naked Woman In Gym Locker Room (July 2024).