Toxoplasmosis: what it is, symptoms and contagion

In the first blood test that the gynecologist will send you to after confirming your pregnancy, information will be obtained about the presence or not of antibodies or possible infections that the mother could pass to the fetus through the placenta. Among them, the toxoplasmosis antibodies (IgM).

Most adults have already suffered, almost all without symptoms, but during pregnancy can seriously affect the fetus, and even cause an abortion. If the pregnant woman has passed the disease she has defenses against her, but if she has not passed it, the doctor will recommend a series of measures to avoid the risk of infection. We will explain what is toxoplasmosis, what are its symptoms and how is contagion produced.

What is toxoplasmosis?

Toxoplasmosis is a infectious disease caused by the protozoan Toxoplasma gondii, a parasite that can live inside the cells of human beings and animals, especially cats and farm animals.

Being an organism capable of crossing the placenta is extremely dangerous for the fetus, being able to infect it causing what we know by Congenital toxoplasmosis (when the child becomes infected before birth).

The risk that the pregnant woman who gets the infection can infect the fetus is 40%. But much depends on the moment in which it contracts, because in the first trimester it is less frequent than in the second trimester and in this one less than in the third trimester, however, during the first trimester of pregnancy it is when greater damage causes in the baby.

If the parasite crosses the placenta and infects the baby, it could cause serious damage to the brain and eyes, loss of hearing, learning problems, and even the death of the baby.

Symptoms of toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis it is transmitted from animals to humans, sometimes without causing any symptoms. Most cases of infection are asymptomatic and in case of presenting any symptoms, these are usually short-lived and similar to a common flu, so many women who become infected do not usually realize well until birth or in case they The baby has not been infected until the next pregnancy.

Up to 90% of children with congenital toxoplasmosis have no symptoms at birth, but most show signs several months or years later, except for premature and very young babies who show obvious signs of infection at birth, or soon.

Between the symptoms in the baby, in case they appear, the following are included:

  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Jaundice (yellow or yellow skin and eyes) caused by an excessive concentration in the blood of a liver substance called bilirubin)
  • Abnormally large or small head
  • Rash on the skin
  • Bruising or bleeding under the skin
  • Anemia
  • Enlarged spleen or liver

It can also cause abnormalities in the brain and nervous system, which cause symptoms such as:

  • Seizures
  • Sagging muscle
  • Difficulty feeding
  • Hearing loss
  • Mental deficiency
  • Eye lesions in the retina

How toxoplasmosis is spread

Cats and the risk of toxoplasmosis

Contrary to what is usually believed, contagion does not occur when in contact with a cat. They can be caressed and the pregnant woman can live with a cat without any risk as long as the cat does not carry the parasite.

A cat can get the disease by eating raw infected with the parasite. And if contracted, the parasite will be present in your stool. Therefore, if the cat is not infected and does not leave the house, does not eat raw meat and has no contact with other animals that may be carriers, it will not become infected and therefore will remain safe for us. If instead, our cat circulates freely outside, hunts birds or mice and has contact with other cats if you have to be careful.

When the parasite infects a cat it has an incubation period of between 3 and 20 days, depending on the way in which the parasite has been ingested. After and for only a period of one month, release the oocysts in the stool. After that, even if he becomes infected again, he will never release oocysts. The oocysts are released in an immature state, that is, they do not have infectious capacity until after 24 or 48 hours, so it is very important to clean the sandbox of our pets, especially to take advantage of that window in which they are maturing.

Just in case, if you have a cat at home, it is advisable not to clean the feces during pregnancy for safety or to do it with gloves and then wash your hands very well.

Other ways of transmission of toxoplasmosis

Infected cats are not the only means of infection. The most common route of infection is by eating infected meat with the parasite that is raw or has not been cooked enough. Cook the meat well and do not eat raw or undercooked meat. Do not consume cold cuts (ham, sausage, sausage, etc.) or raw eggs.

Also the raw fruits and vegetables they may be infecting toxoplasmosis by having been in contact with infected soil, since it is the most common means where we can find the parasite. Therefore, you should wash and peel vegetables and fruits before eating them, and always carefully wash knives and kitchen utensils that have been in contact with raw meat and unwashed fruits and vegetables.

Another way to get the parasite is the raw milk, especially the goat. Avoid drinking unpasteurized milk or any dairy product made with unpasteurized milk.

Video: Toxoplasmosis. Symptoms. Causes. Treatment. Diagnosis (July 2024).