Motherhood plus tech: nine apps related to motherhood, from conception to parenting

Yes, as the zarzuela said "Today the sciences advance that it is a barbarity" and technology has come into our lives to remain part of all our vital moments.

The proof is at least we have these nine apps related to motherhood, from conception to raising our children, They want to make our lives easier and we hope they get it!


No, it is not always easy to achieve a pregnancy and from that difficulty, two mothers transformed their personal experience in Woom, an app that allows you to discreetly have all the information necessary to achieve the desired pregnancy.

Calendar in which to record data related to the cycle of women, advice on healthy living, food, medical recommendations and an algorithm that with a series of data serves as a guide and even recommends if a visit to a specialist is necessary. An application that when accumulating user data becomes more intelligent with use and can compute more variables so that this help comes to fruition.


Last year we were already talking about how successful this app was being in terms of downloads and that knowing what the fertile days are is not so simple, if you do not have the help of a calendar like this.

With this app you can know comfortably and also reliably, something that is always interesting when a woman is looking to get pregnant.


When we talk about administering the doses that the pediatrician has given us or even the most commonly used doses of medications, control is essential.

This app helps us to document and calculate the dose of these medications perfectly and quite simply for us.


An application loaded with information and help on the world of breastfeeding, capable of offering more than 2,300 responses on breastfeeding. Questions about problems or difficulties in breastfeeding, about the first days of the baby, about breastfeeding in tandem, compatibility of diagnostic tests or treatments of the nursing mother, ...

One of the most complete applications that exist on this subject according to different breastfeeding consultants.

The AEP app

The lactation committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics has also released an app to help mothers who consider breastfeeding as a way to feed their children, with all the necessary information for those doubts that arise one day and another also .

It is a free and recommended application for parents and professionals so that they can promote breastfeeding from the content they have created from this group of specialists.


When a baby arrives in the family our routines give a radical change and little by little we have to incorporate the new ones to the usual ones.

If you are one of those fathers and mothers who like to keep track of the news, this app is your help because it allows you to take note of the new routines at the same time that with the data you are monitoring through graphs and tables what you are living, What can be a help for new parents.

Baby tracker

And more involved in parenting, this is a perfect app for daily monitoring of habits, health and key moments in the baby's life. From your diet to sleep patterns, you can write everything down and you also have the option to include detailed notes and photos and the information can be shared in a simple way with friends, doctors, family, you can export the data in PDF mode and you can do backups with both iCloud and Dropbox

Precious Charge

Sometimes we are more worried than usual and we can forget something even if we thought that would never happen to us and now that summer is coming this app can be a help for those who have their heads in a thousand stories. Detects if the car is on, asks if you travel alone and when the car goes out again, warns you not to forget anything or anyone inside the car.


It is another idea launched in the form of an app by two mothers, in this case Belgians, tired of not finding reliable help to take care of their children.

This app helps you find a babysitter at the moment only if you live in Belgium, but considering that in just four months they already have 11,000 active users, it is clear that these two mothers have in mind to extend the range of their app to new ones countries sooner rather than later.

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Video: BabyCenter's Pregnancy & Parenting App for Android (July 2024).