First words: how to encourage language development by playing

Although babies communicate with us since they are born with cries, smiles, gestures and babble, being able to finally listen to their long-awaited first words is one of the most exciting moments of a child's growth and also one of the most anticipated by his parents. . But you know what will be your first words Y how to stimulate language development in your baby?

The baby's first words

Babies begin to emit their first babbling after 6 months and, little by little, they develop the ability of speech and language until at the end of their first year of life they are ready to start pronouncing their first words which usually are simple words with double syllables.

For months they have been playing with the sounds, experimenting with them, lengthening the vowels and pronouncing their first syllables repetitively. Until one day they pronounce their first word meaningfully, Your first intentional word. Almost always to name something: they point their finger and name it. "Dad" and "mom" are often the most frequent words with which children release their language. Then, they learn to ask for things: "give me" is another of his first words.

How language evolves

  • 1 to 2 years. They pronounce simple and everyday words, and use a single word to express complete sentences.
  • At 18 months they pronounce their first sentences or sentences in telegraphic language.
  • At 20 months they start using verbs and learn new words almost daily.
  • At 24 months his vocabulary expands to reach about 100 words.
  • From 24 months to 3 and a half years they create sentences with a subject structure and predicate and strive to express themselves more precisely. Their vocabulary is more than 1,000 words, they begin to master language and grammar and are able to follow conversations.
  • From 3 years old. They communicate with complex sentences and the pronunciation is almost perfect. They understand metaphors, jokes and rhymes. His stories, descriptions and narratives are understandable and consistent.

How to motivate language development

Spending a lot of time communicating with them, talking to them non-stop, reading them, listening to songs and playing with them are activities that enhance language development in children.

Play is a very important part of children's development and is present at every stage of their growth. Through games, children learn by simulating real situations and the game becomes an excellent means of exploration and learning. And as they have fun while they learn, the game itself serves as a stimulus.

Softcover baby books with illustrations are great for us to help you connect your first words with the pictures. To do this, we must point out the drawings while clearly pronouncing the name of the objects that we find in their pages.

The dolls tell stories and the sound toys with rhymes and songs are also especially suitable for this phase of the child's development. And is that the educational, interactive and musical toys, as the Sonora Farm of Chicco, are perfect to stimulate the child's speech.

With this toy, children learn language in two languages ​​(Spanish and English) playing with the numbers, names and sounds of animals and colors. It has several levels of difficulty that adapt to the development and learning of the child and also has riddles and melodies.

The Sound farm It has a little pig, a sheep, a dog, a cat, a rabbit, a chick, a rooster, a horse, a cow and a butterfly. Through the teacher Osito, the child learns to interact with them, to identify them and to recognize them so that the next time he sees any of these animals he will recognize them, call them by name and even imitate the sound they make. You will also learn to sing songs in both languages ​​and to recognize the numbers from 1 to 10.

What was your baby's first word?

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Photos | iStock / m-imagephotography / Marina Dyakonova / AntonioGuillem / VILevi

Video: "Speech and language development" - Tips to Grow By WKYC (July 2024).