The rap that talks about the role of parents whose reaction in the public demonstrates the pain caused by bad parents

Just yesterday we published a post in which we explained that pediatricians recommend that parents spend time with their children because their way of treating them is different from that of moms. And not only because of that, it is that children need to live in a warm environment, surrounded by love, respect and love, and they need both their mother and father.

A few months ago, Ecuador has talent, appeared a rap singer, named XXL 593, who surprised many with a song titled Father. It was a rap in which in a few minutes he described how important a father is to his children and criticized those who do not exercise as such. The most curious thing about the video, for me, the reaction of the public and the jury.

This is the video (if you want to go directly to the subject you can put it from the minute 2:45):

Unconditional love

At the end of the song it says the most important thing, that in the end the goal has to be the children, give them our unconditional love, let's be a father, let's be a mother. Rap is a criticism of all parents who deny their children and all those who, being, they are not really: those parents who are absent. You see them, but they don't exercise. They live with them, with their children, but they don't spend time. They are their parents, but they only remember them to scold them and try to discipline them.

This is the lyrics of the song:

Father: what a beautiful word you hear. Sounds like a man who lasted for his family because father is not the one who gets pregnant and goes by the face. Father is the one who raises, the one who teaches and the one who educates.
Father is not the one who pays the judgment of food, he is the one who when his son cries, calms his lament. He is not the one who makes the girl a mother. Father is the one who is responsible for his son.
And maybe this does not fit many, but if you are a father, try to be a good father. Imagine you are a son and therefore you have a father who never visits you. Well, you have a soft time. Well, he's in love and not with your mother really, but with a girl who has a son your age, what a coincidence! The difference is that he has the opportunity to share with your dad the time he doesn't give you.
And don't say that you don't have a second to visit your son ... how is your daughter? Tell me, I hear you. You haven't seen her in a while. Surely I miss you a lot.
Because father may be the one who wears cassock but more father is the father who becomes a baker from his daughter. Father is not the man who dwells you a week or the one who remembers his son out there for a weekend.
He who says he is the easy father is crazy, because being a father is hard, but it is the most beautiful thing.
I composed this song for the one who is a father and for that woman who plays the role of father and mother, the one who works as a man because his man was not responsible for his children as a man.
And I will not say his name, but do not be surprised if one day his children say daddy to another man. Well, it will be your fault because you left and lost your children, the most beautiful thing you had.
But even sadder is that a mother leaves her son to the father, because with the father you can now go to the father, but tell me compadre who gives you that mother's love ... No one!

And the public reaction says a lot, too much

If I wanted to share the song and the video, it was because I was very surprised to see the video, the reaction of the public and the jury. I see women crying for that couple who was supposed to be, but left, or did not exercise. And I see sons and daughters suffering for the father they were supposed to have and didn't have. And I see pain, a lot of pain. The one that hides in a corner of the heart, which is covered over the years so that it does not do much damage, but that comes out violently when one, or one, stops to think about what he expected to have and did not have, or Someone reminds you, like this song.

The role of the father is so important, so much, in raising children, both as a couple, that when he turns his back on both things it is generated pain and disappointment. For denying love to one's own children and to the children of the person you were supposed to love. And that is something that many mothers cannot understand, that the little ones are denied love, those who need it most and deserve it.

Video: Mom Says Shes Ashamed To Be In Public With Transgender Child (July 2024).