Would you leave your children in the care of an "iMom"? Robots to take care of our children, fiction or just a matter of time?

We have vacuum cleaners that move alone, ovens that we can program, blinds that come down when the sun goes down ... robotics have more and more space in our lives to make them easier but Would we leave our children in the care of a robot?

"IMom" is the title of a short film that raises that option, something like a caretaker / robot for our homes and our children. Science fiction or just a matter of time?

A solution for many fathers and mothers. The children are at home taken care of and protected by a robot Of human and kind aspect that prepares the food that we have programmed, that collects the room, that takes care of their physical needs (changing diapers for example), that puts the washing machine, that helps with the homework if the child is something older. Obviously being a robot has internet connection and all the knowledge of the network, so in that sense it is a perfect help.

The script and direction are the work of the Australian Ariel Martin who was inspired by this thirteen minute short film, seeing how a child interacted with his bionic arm. Thirteen minutes of fiction history very close to reality, perhaps there is the feeling so disturbing that surrounds the viewer, especially if it is a father or mother ...

The images of what the film itself would be, are mixed with statements of happy dads and moms, recommending the purchase of this robot to recover time as a couple, to go out with friends, to organize the leisure of adults no longer based on the of children necessarily.

Declarations of happy couples, without feeling guilty about anything, without regrets because they believe that their children and their home stay in good hands when they are not there. Declarations of adults who may not want to have to give up the life they led before having children. Are we really the current fathers and mothers?

And there the question arises ... and if one day for any reason the robot has a fault? It is still technology created by man, the fault falls within the logic.

To what extent would we put the welfare of something as valuable as our children in the hands of technology?

We live in an increasingly technological society. If we take a look at home, technology is increasingly part of more plots of our daily lives and it is good that this is so, but should we start looking for where we put the limit or not?

In case you want to consider it after watching Ariel Martin's short film, here you have it:

Video: When You Leave Dad Alone With the Baby (July 2024).