My little one is already 6 years old, what will change?

At 6 years old children enter middle childhood, a stage of child development that will fill the lives of our children and ours. We tell you what things will be easier from now on and which ones we should focus more on.

At this age, children become much more self-sufficient and quickly acquire physical, social and mental skills. It is a crucial moment in their lives with changes at the physical, psychological and emotional level. It is essential that we support and accompany them without suffocating them. We must teach them to function in all areas of life, as in their social relationships. And guide their behavior away from home, such as at school or with friends.

What things will be easier for us

  • Fewer visits to the doctor. The defenses of our 6 year old son are now much stronger. The time of the first infections has passed and his immune system is practically developed. It has the necessary antibodies to deal with the most common childhood diseases. The era of constant constipation and high fevers is over!
  • "Mom, I can alone." You will start listening frequently. A 6 year old boy is already able to dress and tie his shoelaces alone. Your skills and abilities have increased considerably. In addition, his desire for independence is now stronger and the little one will feel inclined to show that he is capable of taking care of small things that concern him. Offer your help only if you see that he needs it or he asks for it himself.
  • Lunch time. Their schedules have adapted to those of adults and their eating habits are practically the same. At this stage, a child will already be able to feed himself with solids. Although, be careful, you have also developed your own particular tastes and may not yet match those of adults.
  • It entertains itself. He loves to draw, color, read simple words, write letters and numbers, and play with board and card games. Boost activities that allow you to develop these skills and limit the time you spend in front of television and computer screens. He also begins to develop hobbies, such as collecting his favorite things.
  • Play sports His skill and coordination have improved considerably. Promoting a healthy lifestyle that includes the practice of some sport is now essential. You can practice group sports and achieve a certain degree of skill in them without the help of adults.
  • Go for a walk. 6 year olds are now much more active. They love to move and for a long time there is no need to take them on the stroller. They walk for longer and can accompany you to perform daily errands such as going to the supermarket or buying bread.
  • Traveling by car is easier and more enjoyable. The tears and the paddles are over. A 6 year old has already reached the level of understanding and logic necessary to know how to adapt to all everyday situations. In addition, the stroller is no longer necessary and the packages to be transported with us are considerably reduced when we travel by car.

Although our little one has grown, We must continue to maintain your safety with a car seat appropriate to your new needs. Group 2/3 chairs differ above all from the previous ones, in that they dispense with the harness and use the safety belt to support the child.

They have been specifically created to ensure that children travel securely through the safety belt without danger of damage to the abdomen, neck or face. As the Chicco Oasys 2/3 FixPlus car seat, approved according to ECE R44 / 04 regulations for car transport of children between 15 and 36 kg. The rigid FixPlus connectors ensure a firm and secure installation. In addition, your toddler's car seat will grow with it, because it adjusts in height and width independently.

Change the chip and pay attention to ...

  • Physical changes. Our children are no longer babies. Its appearance, in general, becomes more slender. They are also much more aware of their own image and the first complexes may appear. Teach him to accept and love himself. In addition to strengthening their self-esteem, you will help them improve their relationships with others in this way. A self-confident child will have a good relationship with his social environment. Help him discover his most outstanding aspects physically and intellectually and encourage him to strengthen them.
  • Your sleeping hours A 6-year-old child needs to sleep a minimum of 11 hours a day, but his pace and sleep schedules have changed. You will find it increasingly difficult to get you to take a nap or go to bed early at night. Don't despair, it's perfectly normal. From the age of 6 the children's sleep needs decrease one hour each year.
  • Feeding. You should start dealing with your own personal tastes, avoiding the pecking of sweets and goodies and increase the consumption of healthy food rations, such as vegetables or fish.
  • At school. The world of our 6-year-old son is expanding and growing. You are knowing the world outside your home and there will be things that you do not understand or cause fear. He no longer goes to school to play with his friends. Classes are an important social environment, but from now on your teachers will also demand performance. Aspects such as improving grades or being accepted at school become key points for your emotional well-being. Maintain a constant and daily dialogue with him to know how he is doing and to help him to develop successfully in all new situations. Make sure your classroom environment is adequate and that you devote enough time to study. Monitor your homework without stressing.
  • It takes a lot of work to choose something. A 6-year-old boy is developing his own preferences, but he may not yet have them completely clear and adapt them to his personality and change over time. Be patient with him and help him make decisions. It may seem silly to you, but if there is something that worries you or for what you don't decide, that issue is important to him.
  • Shows symptoms of disobedience. Your 6-year-old son may find it hard to do what they say he does. He is more self-sufficient and will fight daily to show that he can be independent. Remind him what his obligations are and explain the importance of responsibility. You may also find it helpful to deal with these situations to remind you in advance of the rules and consequences that an act of disobedience can have for the child to be prepared. For example, if you have limited time to play video games and often fail to comply, it establishes a fair punishment (such as running out of play the next day if you exceed the allowed time). Let him know minutes before his time runs out so he can be taken for granted.
  • New ideas collide with yours. Educate him in tolerance and respect by teaching him to accept that there are many different cultures and views.
  • He wants to spend more time with friends. A 6-year-old child begins to pay more and more attention to friendships and teamwork. His world has expanded and since he is less dependent on his parents and adults in general, he will now increasingly focus on children of his age, among those who will seek acceptance and those who will try to please. It is a normal stage in the development of all children. You may have a favorite friend or figure whom you admire and try to emulate at this stage. Respect his desires and help him to define his own personality, to make his own decisions and to have his family life and time spent with friends balanced. Power that contact with your friends is in healthy and controlled environments. For example, play outdoors in a park or participate in a football match.

Although each child is a world, they all go through the same stages. Knowing these stages and their key points, helps us to provide greater support in their growth and development.

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Images | iSotck / yaruta / Anatoliy Samara / pojoslaw / GeorgeRudy / Imgorthand / LittleBee80 / monkeybusinessimages

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