What does your son do at two in the morning? A security camera recorded what this six-year-old boy does: everything his parents forbid during the day

Dylan, six, has made many people laugh who have seen the video recorded by a security camera placed in the living room of his house.

At two in the morning, when most children of his age sleep peacefully, he Take the opportunity to do everything your parents forbid during the day. It can be seen having fun in a big way while the rest of the family sleeps.

Cody Wray, a father from Florida, was surprised to review the security video of his home: his six-year-old son doing pranks in the living room. Dylan had told his parents that he sometimes woke up at dawn, although he hadn't told them what he was doing.

"When I found the video, I couldn't decide what to do: whether to punish him for jumping on the couch or hugging him because seeing him in action is one of the funniest surprises I've had," said the father.

I was forbidden to jump on the couch

A priori, the images can be funny: a child running, jumping on the couch, flipping, playing with the lights ... (no, it is not an episode of sleepwalking) and deep down it is very sad. It makes him fully aware, it is his moment of freedom, the moment of the day in which he does everything that his parents are forbidden to do during the day. It is sad that a child has to get up at dawn to act like a child, when no one can see or scold him.

When we become authoritarian parents we run the risk that our children will end up doing what we forbid, but in secret. We usually fall into the error of thinking that a well-educated child is one who continuously obeys his parents, but that submission often ends in deception or lies on the part of the child.

His parents were forbidden to jump on the couch and he saw the opportunity to break the rules. Because at that time he could be the child he is without anyone repressing him. Many times we wonder if we really let them be children. Children play, jump, need freedom of movement and some flexibility to explore their own limits.

It is true that parents are there to guide them, but sometimes we forbid them to do more for our own convenience than because their behavior is really reprehensible. Without a doubt, the video gives us what to think.

Photos | Cody Wray (Facebook)
Via | Little things
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