Indeed, gentlemen: it is not easy to do all the tasks with a pregnant belly

It is clear that a pregnant woman is not a sick person and does not usually have reduced mobility and hopefully she will not find too many difficulties in her day to day, but It never hurts a help in pregnancy, especially in certain physical tasks and home care.

Pregnancy is something that only women can live, but there are often men who want to put themselves in their skin, to simulate, although without kicks, which means moving with a belly that greatly increases your volume and weight by a few kilos It is not always easy and yet many men do not want to realize. To the point that in Japan they have decided to give them a touch with a curious campaign.

Specifically, the strategy council of the Kyushu region in which the nine governors of the different prefectures have been involved is a campaign. In the video that we have below, they appear at the end with the motto "Happiness is made of a good balance between family and work".

From Yamaguchi Prefecture we have Governor Tsugumasa Muraoka "pregnant" with a belly of 7'3 kilograms that has made him see with a renewed look (and grateful) to his wife. At video of the campaign to raise public awareness to achieve a better balance between work and familyWe see it with difficulties to hang clothes, put on socks or down the stairs.

We also see in the funny images the governors of the prefectures of Saga and Miyazaki putting on the simulator that is as heavy as the weight that a woman carries at seven months of pregnancy, buying in a supermarket or carrying a baby in her arms. Situations so everyday that every pregnant woman lives. But can you imagine our politicians doing something similar?

Luckily, many men help their women especially at this stage and it is that, just as raising is a matter of two, so are household chores. But there is still a long way to go and everyone's data could confirm a majority of women with an extra "burden", which would make them feel more stressed and tired.

Anyway, it is a fun campaign to raise awareness about the importance of sharing housework, something that should always happen and not only during pregnancy. Also on certain gestures such as giving the seat to pregnant women because, contrary to what it should be, there seems to be a curious epidemic of sleep and fatigue around you, which has led to many times campaigns to give in the seat to pregnant women in public transport.

In addition, with some parents involved we take another step towards equality, since these sons and daughters will see that there are no differences when it comes to collaborating at home and they will do so when they can help in certain tasks and later when they seek and form Your own family Cooking, cleaning, ironing or caring for a baby is not just a girl thing.

According to the authorities involved in this campaign, the Japanese are the last in a global survey on husbands more willing to do housework and help with child rearing. Another survey conducted by the Japanese Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications indicates that husbands in the Kyushu region spend less time on domestic work compared to other areas in Japan.

In response to these bleak conclusions, the council selected last October as a month to promote a balance between work and life and decided to create a website for the campaign and this fun video that you can see if you wish with subtitles in English.

Because it is not always easy to do all the tasks or balances pregnant, gentlemen, we appreciate your help. Do you think that the figures on sharing tasks and responsibilities at home and with children are very different in other countries? Do you feel the support of your partners or would they also need a "little push"?

Video: Lost Treasures. Critical Role. Campaign 2, Episode 22 (May 2024).