Are you pregnant or are you looking for a baby? Learn how to prevent birth defects

In the month of January is the prevention of birth defects and although it is not possible to prevent all birth defects, many can be prevented and it is possible to reduce the likelihood of children being born with these defects.

One in 30 babies is born with a birth defect or congenital defect. It is a problem that occurs while the baby develops within the body of his mother. There are many types of defects, among the most common are split lip and palate, additional or stuck fingers, spina bifida, small or deformed limbs, congenital heart disease ...

Why some babies are formed differently in the mother's womb is a mystery. However, there are Some things pregnant women can do to prevent their baby's birth defects or reduce their chances of appearance, fundamentally staying healthy and avoiding certain dangers. There are also tips for women who are not yet pregnant but plan to be soon.

Prevent birth defects

  • Eat well during pregnancy and before pregnancy. Eating enough good food gives strength, prevents infections, develops a healthy baby and helps prevent complications during childbirth, heavy bleeding ... The father's diet before pregnancy is also important to avoid defects in the baby.

  • Be sure to eat foods that have folic acid and the gynecologist will give us a supplement with this component. For women who are planning to become pregnant and for pregnant women a supplementation with a daily dose of folic acid is recommended.

There are preparations of supplements that contain the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals that are needed during pregnancy, the doctor will establish your recommendation.
  • Iodine is also important, since iodine deficiency during pregnancy and early childhood can cause hypothyroxinemia that negatively affects the developing brain. The recommendation of supplements is suggested in those pregnant women who do not reach the recommended amounts of iodine with their diet.

  • Avoid all medicines and drugs during pregnancy (even those that are sold without a prescription) unless you are sure that they will not harm the baby. The drugs are closely related to the baby's congenital defects.

  • Especially we have to refer to alcohol and tobacco during pregnancy, which harm the baby inside the womb. It is not known what minimum amount of alcohol begins to harm the baby, so it is best to avoid it completely. It is still necessary to raise public awareness about the risks of alcohol in pregnancy, as it is usual to say that "nothing happens for a drink". Regarding tobacco, not only does the pregnant woman not have to smoke to prevent birth defects, but her environment must not do so and she should avoid staying in places with smoke.
Both alcohol and tobacco have been widely related to congenital defects in babies. Do not consume them.
  • Avoid contact with pesticides, chemicals and other poisons. If someone in the family or nearby uses pesticides or poisons, they should wash their own clothes separately and prevent the pregnant woman from being exposed to chemicals.

  • Not have children with close relatives, something that usually happens in certain cultural communities. When close family members have children together, descendants are more likely to have birth defects.

  • If one or more children with a birth defect have already been born, it is more likely to have another, so genetic counseling is necessary and the gynecologist is likely to indicate that it is best not to have more.

  • During pregnancy you should stay away from people with rubella or chickenpox if they have never been gone before and are not vaccinated. Try to keep up to date with vaccination before becoming pregnant and there are also recommended and safe vaccines during pregnancy.

  • Having syphilis or herpes during pregnancy can cause the baby to be born with birth defects. If you suspect these diseases, you should have an exam and treat sexual infections as soon as possible.

  • Go to a health care professional before you get pregnant so you can advise on diet and exercise, check the couple's medical history, the risk of congenital defect, the mother's vaccination status ...

  • After 35 or 40 years there is an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities, therefore planning pregnancy at earlier ages contributes to the prevention of these.

Definitely, many birth defects can be prevented When women can eat enough healthy food, they do not have to work with toxic chemicals, maintain healthy living habits and receive good medical care before and throughout pregnancy. We hope that in the month of the prevention of congenital defects these tips reach more people and decrease the number of babies born in the world with these types of problems.


Photos | iStock
More information | Hesperian
In Babies and more | Smoking and maternal overweight related to congenital heart defects in the baby, Tips to prevent birth defects in the baby

Video: Birth Defects - What Causes Birth Defects? (July 2024).