Being an equal, involved and attached parent is all advantages: science says so

March 19 is celebrated in Spain on Father's day, so today we are going to focus on Them, the daddies. While it is true that there is more and more co-responsibility, more parents involved totally, despite the fact that more and more equipment is being made for the upbringing of children, we still have a long way to go. We will cite some scientific studies that corroborate the benefits that paternity has for both children and parents and the couple.

Previous note: The studies that I will cite throughout this post reflect the benefits of a parenthood involved in situations where the father is present, but not involved, that is, does not actively participate in all the components of child rearing.

Benefits for the children

An involved and shared parenthood, in which the father is active in play, care, education, in which he is emotionally involved, has been shown to report numerous benefits for children compared to parents present but not involved, as reflected in an exhaustive review conducted by the University of Guelph. I leave some of them, although there are many more:

  • Language: higher vocabulary level, longer productions.
  • Better academic results, better school adjustment.
  • Better coping with stress and better tolerance to frustration.
  • Children manifest greater happiness.
  • Greater perception of social competence, more initiative in social interactions and more security.
  • Better overall psychological adjustment.

On the other hand, a study conducted by the University of Oxford concludes that the children of parents who feel safe as such and who show positive emotions towards that role, are less likely to develop behavioral problems during preadolescence.

In turn, the positive interaction between parents and children, being emotionally involved both with them and with partners (and the good family climate in general) favors psychosocial adjustment of children when they enter adolescence, according to a study conducted by the University of Valencia.

Equal, involved and conscious fatherhood also has advantages for men

A report by Men Care (for a campaign in which institutions such as Save the children have collaborated) indicates that paternity with attachment provides numerous benefits for parents:

  • Emotional: As indicated in this report, “parents who stick more positively to their sons and daughters affirm that this relationship is one of the most important reasons for their well-being and happiness.” Likewise they point out that parents with this type of relationships say they feel happier than those who don't.
  • Health and healthy habits: citing the Men Care report, "Some studies indicate that parents who have a close and nonviolent relationship with their sons and daughters live longer, suffer less mental or physical health problems, and have less tendency to abuse drugs"
  • More productive: Involved and equal parents are more productive in their jobs than parents who do not claim to have this type of relationship with their children.

On the other hand, a study conducted by the University of Illinois indicates that uninvolved parents have more social tools and greater self-confidence.

Benefits for the couple

An egalitarian, shared and conscious paternity also obviously provides benefits for the couple as a unit: better relationship, more satisfaction, less conflict ... For example, a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania determines that coparentality favors a best fit of the couple before paternity.

What each member of the couple will affect the behavior of the other, how the experience of paternity lives. A study conducted by the University of Illinois highlights that the level of involvement of the mother and father feed each other, depends on each other.

In turn, a study by the University of Ottawa determines that the perception of competence before the paternity of both members increases to the extent that the other feels capable of such a task, that is, the more secure one is, the more the other, which will reduce insecurities and therefore favor decision making, less stress, etc. If what we are looking for is the well-being of our children, better to team up.

There is a positive correlation between the active role of parents in raising children and the quality of the relationship: Some factors that are related to a greater well-being of the couple are, for example:

  • The level of involvement of the father in the care and responsibilities related to the child, as noted by a study by the University of Ottawa
  • The quality of the relationship between father and son / s (study conducted by the University of Minnesotta)
  • The satisfaction of the father in his paternal role and his competence as a father.

And finally, a study (collected in a book: How fathers care for the next generation: A four-decade study.) By Harvard University, shows that the relationships in which the father is involved in raising children last longer.

As parents, the behavior that you develop will influence your children, whether it is positive or negative (or even non-existent), will leave a mark on them, will have an impact on your partners and, as we have seen, on yourselves. Fatherhood is really much, much, more than a simple mechanical issue, it is more than providing and of course it is more than changing diapers: do not miss it, do not let your child miss it. Happy Father's Day guys.


In Babies and More: Dad, take your baby also skin to skin whenever you can

Video: What is the most important influence on child development. Tom Weisner. TEDxUCLA (July 2024).