A mother reminds us of the importance of speaking positively about our bodies in front of our daughters

As parents, we have a great responsibility for ourselves: educating and caring for our children. In addition to providing everything they need, we are the first to teach them values ​​and prepare them to be good people.

But it is also in us to be an example or role model, taking care of our words and actions. Much of what will define the personality and way of thinking of our children is the way we do it. And a very important part that we can unwittingly ignore is the way we express ourselves and our physique.

Now, a conversation that a mother published between her and her daughter about her stretch marks has gone viral because of the important message and reminder she leaves us.

Although we can have great self-esteem, every day we are bombarded by messages that tell us that looking one way or another is synonymous with beauty.

That is why it is essential to prepare our children, especially our daughters, from an early age. to love and accept, managing to feel comfortable with your physique and avoid destructive or negative self-criticism.

The conversation was posted on the Allison Kimmey Facebook page, accompanied by a photo showing mother and daughter in a bikini.

Today, while I was in the pool with my daughter:
She: Why is your belly big mommy?
Me: What do you mean honey?
She: Those lines, mommy. (Pointing to stretch marks on my belly)
Me: Oh, those are my stretch marks!
She: Where do they come from?
Me: Well, when I was a little older than you, I got some of these lines because I grew so fast! And some of them are from the time when I had you inside my belly while growing up.
She: (looking questioningly)
Me: They are bright, aren't they cute?
She: Yes, and I like it better, it shines a lot. When can I have some?
Me: You'll have your own bright lines when you're a little older baby!
IT MATTERS MUCH AS WE TALK TO OUR DAUGHTERS OF OUR BODIES! They are listening. They are asking questions. And it is up to YOU ​​to help them define how they will feel about these things! Will you prolong that feeling of shame that society has placed on you? Or will you teach him a new form of love?
I choose love.
I only know you.

The publication has been shared more than 72,000 times and has received thousands of comments from women applauding the way he handled the issue of stretch marks with his daughter.

It is very important that we take great care of our words when expressing ourselves about our physique because as Allison mentions, they are listening to us. We have already spoken before the more we mothers become obsessed with our weight, the greater the risk that our daughters will too.

On more than one occasion I have found myself saying out loud in front of my daughter that I will no longer eat this or that, or complaining about my clothes because I am fat and I do not like how I look. I shouldn't say these things in front of her. Neither in front of anyone, nor alone. Fortunately, my daughter is barely two years old, so I have time to change that, for her and for me.

To educate our daughters to accept themselves as they are since childhood and that beauty is not something dictated by society or celebrity magazines. Learning to love your body is to love and care for it, and what better than set the example ourselves.

Video: Gary Zukav: The New Perception of Community with Oprah Winfrey. SuperSoul Sessions. OWN (July 2024).