Let's talk about depression: on World Health Day and when necessary

World Health Day is celebrated on April 7, which in 2017 is dedicated to depression, a mental health problem that affects more and more people in the world. In fact, depression is a common mental disorder that affects people of all ages and social conditions and in all countries.

Anxiety and depression in pregnancy are so common that one in four women suffers and it is also common for postpartum depression. In addition, more and more children suffer from anxiety and depression, so this is a topic that interests us (and affects us) a lot.

World Health Day is celebrated this day to commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the World Health Organization in 1948. Each year a theme is chosen for this date that highlights an area of ​​priority interest to WHO and in 2017 is the turn of this worrying problem, but that can be prevented and treated, depression.

No country, no social class, no age or gender gets rid of this disorder, which affects more and more people in the world. In extreme cases depression can cause suicide, which is currently the second leading cause of death among people 15 to 29 years old. That is why we must talk about depression and it is good that it is done on World Health Day, but it must be done whenever necessary.

Postpartum depression

A critical moment for women is the postpartum and we must be attentive to the signs, especially those that are in the woman's environment, since she herself can deny the problem. The symptoms of postpartum depression are:

  • Feelings of anguish and sadness.
  • You cannot leave the situation you are in.
  • Lack of interest in the activities he used to do.
  • A lot of sleep or insomnia, a lot of hunger or lack of appetite.
  • Lack of interest in the baby and everything related to him, does not connect with the baby.
  • Feelings of inability to care for your baby.
  • Extreme concern in your care.
  • Has withdrawal and lack of communication.
  • Having catastrophic or suicidal thoughts.

Postpartum depression is a disease that can be treated, so it is important, first of all, to attend to the symptoms, know how to recognize them and seek the necessary help and support.

Depression during pregnancy

During pregnancy, women may also be affected by anxiety or depression., so you also have to attend to the symptoms and not let them pass. The hormonal, chemical changes that are generated and change with the mother's intense emotional states also reach the baby.

That is why the emotional health of the mother can affect the baby, there are investigations that link the anxiety of the mother to the health of the child, since it has been shown that anxiety and depression in pregnancy are associated with a lower birth weight, with the consequently increased health risks of the newborn (for example, they are children with more chances of having asthma).

On the other hand, the depression of the pregnant woman can affect the language of the baby and also the child will increase the risk of suffering, in the future, depression.

If you are pregnant, do not neglect your emotions and seek help in case of symptoms of depression. If there is a pregnant woman in your environment and you suspect that you need help in this regard, talk to her and the doctor who can make a correct diagnosis.

Childhood depression

For their part, children do not get rid of the risk of depression. And we don't talk only about complicated or extreme family situations. A stressful pace of life, being subject to the pressure of studies, extracurricular activities, changes of address or school, separation of parents, economic problems ...

All are factors that can influence the child's psychic state. And what our son or daughter feels is very important, in cases of childhood depression help is also needed and good prevention is important.

They are symptoms of depression during childhood persistent sadness, loss of interest in activities that are normally enjoyed, inability to carry out daily activities ...

Children with depression experience withdrawal, irritability, cry often, have difficulty concentrating at school, suffer appetite changes or go to sleep more or less than normal. Younger children may lose interest in playing, while older children may take risks that they would not normally assume.

General messages about depression

We finish with the following messages about depression that WHO wants to spread a day like today.

  • Depression is a common mental disorder that affects people of all ages and social conditions and from all countries.
  • The risk of depression is exacerbated by poverty, unemployment, vital events such as the death of a loved one or the breakdown of a relationship, physical illness and problems caused by alcohol and drugs.
  • Depression causes mental anguish and can affect the ability of people to carry out even the simplest daily tasks, which sometimes has dire effects on relationships with family and friends.
  • An untreated depression can prevent the affected person from working and participating in family and community life.
  • In the worst case, depression can cause suicide.
  • Depression can be prevented and treated effectively. Treatment usually involves talk therapy, antidepressant medication or a combination of both methods.
  • Overcoming the stigmatization that usually accompanies depression will contribute to a greater number of people receiving help.
  • Talking with a person you trust can be a first step to heal.

Talking about depression you can achieve a better understanding of this disorder, its prevention and treatment, to contribute in the end to reduce the stigmatization associated with the disease and, conversely, to increase the number of people asking for help.

Photos | iStock
Official Site | WHO
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