Why should we do more hours of Physical Education in schools

Our civilization seems destined to an increasingly sedentary life in which Obesity and other related problems begin to be a serious health problem, increasingly widespread. So much so that there is talk of "the epidemic of the 21st century." An epidemic in which we do not want to fall, much less our children fall.

Because yes, they are also affected by this way of life in which there are many hours of class sitting in the classrooms, many homework at the desk, many extracurricular students, a lot of television from the sofa, many video games ... If we add a poor diet, we have the perfect cocktail to develop all those health problems derived from sedentary lifestyle.

Of course, we are the first parents who have to motivate our children to perform physical activity and even facilitate sports and everything from the best and most efficient example: our own practice with children. But also From school it is possible to fight against obesity, from all areas and especially from Physical Education.

These days it has been news that the Government of Spain is going to implement another hour of Physical Education in the schools of Ceuta and Melilla (territory where it has competences) and the idea is to encourage all the Communities so that, both in Primary and Secondary , this sensitive increase in the time dedicated to the subject occurs.

These changes, which will be progressively incorporated in the next three years in the autonomous cities, fall within the plan of the Ministry of Education, in which the Higher Sports Council also participates, with which it seeks to fight against child sedentary lifestyle.

Two classes of 45 or 50 minutes a week, which is what there is in most schools, are clearly insufficient if we do not complement them outside. According to pediatricians, for physical activity to be healthy it is important that it be regular, that is, that it is part of daily activity. The physical activity carried out sporadically does not reach the health benefits obtained with a more regular activity. If we go from two days with Physical Education to three or four, we are already moving forward.

Therefore, it seems to me a great idea that we want to increase this type of education and I believe that, although its core is in the area of ​​Physical Education, as a cross-cutting issue it has to appear in all areas and they are also becoming less sedentary. , because nobody likes to be several hours in a row sitting in a chair.

Anyway, through more hours of the subject of Physical Education, or with a greater involvement of other areas, or by promoting elective subjects (such as the one that exists since this course, Performing Arts and Dance, in Secondary and Baccalaureate), Increasing the hours of physical activity in schools and institutes is a great idea And here are the reasons.

Why there has to be more Physical Education

  • It is necessary to increase the amount of hours of exercise that our children do per week to prevent childhood obesity and other diseases related to sedentary lifestyle (hypertension, diabetes ...). This is stated by the World Health Organization in its recommendations. Specifically, for children from five years old it is advised a minimum of 60 minutes a day in physical activities of moderate to vigorous intensity.

  • The body gets used to exercise and it is easier to "ask for more", since it appropriates all its benefits, and the children continue with their physical activity at other non-school hours, weekends ... (something that we must provide ).

  • Exercise improves children's motor skills (thick and thin), starting with the little ones that are developing at breakneck speeds. Physical activity favors cardiovascular exercise, in addition to strengthening muscles and improving elasticity. According to WHO, it should be incorporated into the life of the child, at least three times a week, vigorous activities that strengthen, in particular, muscles and bones.

  • Physical education with the practice of certain exercises or games (dance ...) favors coordination, sense of balance, memory and concentration.

  • Physical activity activates not only the body, but also the mind. It is proven that exercising improves academic results. Doesn't it happen to us that we "think better" after being active? Specifically, cardiorespiratory ability and motor ability are the effects of exercise that have the greatest impact on school activity and academic results, according to various studies.

  • Exercising is also playing and the game is at the base of all learning, apart from having fun. What better way to learn?

  • Children establish a very special relationship between them through exercise and sports. It increases their sociability and many mechanisms of relationship are needed that they need throughout their lives: collaboration, dialogue ...

  • Exercise increases your self-esteem, since children have fun exercising, they are disinhibited, release tensions, come into contact with their peers, know their body schema, accept differences and find themselves better with themselves.

  • The sport practice "de-stresses" the little ones, slows down their excessive impulses of the little ones, since they spend energy to move. This reduces anxiety and the risk of depression and other mental illnesses.

  • Exercise helps them sleep better. Thanks to physical activity, children get a good rest (and all), provided it is not done just before going to bed. In turn, a good rest has a better academic performance and better mental health.

  • More hours of physical education also mean that, together with the activity itself, key contents such as good nutrition, body hygiene, body awareness, respect for the environment are taught ... to reinforce what we teach them at home.

We just remember that the benefits of physical activity are not only received from the practice of a sport or from classes at school. The World Health Organization notes that Physical activity consists of games, sports, travel, recreational activities, physical education or programmed exercises, in the context of family, school or community activities. We are all involved in improving the health of our children, school too.

Video: Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools (May 2024).