Diary of your pregnancy: why you should take one and how to start it

Pregnancy is probably the stage in which we experience more changes than ever. Not only does our body change, so does our way of thinking and seeing life. Things that did not matter before become relevant, and others that we thought were essential prove not to be. It is certainly a very important and special stage in the life of every woman.

And although at first listening to "nine months" seems like a long time, the truth is that when we least expect it we already have our baby in our arms. So A good idea to remember and capture this unique stage is to keep a diary of your pregnancy. I explain why and how you can start one.

Why all women should keep a diary of their pregnancy

The idea of ​​this article came up one night when I was deciding what I would share on my social networks during the week. Having a maternity blog, I often find myself sharing some old articles because there are always mothers in some of the stages I have already lived.

While doing this I remembered the post I wrote the day I was pregnant, and almost without realizing it, I ended up reading all the articles I wrote during my pregnancy as a diary. It was very nice to remember and relive those moments that now seem so far away. There were so many things that I no longer remembered or had so present, that I felt very happy to have chosen to open a blog to save them.

So that's what I want to recommend today. It doesn't matter if you just found out that you are pregnant or you are missing a month for your probable due date, you are still in time to create one. The pregnancy stage is one that we live a few times in our life and is full of emotions and feelings like no other.

Every woman lives her pregnancy differently, what happens to you may not happen to someone else or we experience it differently from other women. Even every pregnancy is different, so it doesn't matter if you're in the first, second, third or fourth pregnancy, sure in each one you have lived different things that are worth capturing and remembering.

In addition to a newspaper that will keep you forever the memories of everything you lived at that stage, It can be a very useful tool to keep track of your pregnancy, such as the changes you feel each week or your medical appointments.

What do you need to keep a diary of your pregnancy?

Once you have decided to start your pregnancy diary, you should choose where you will take it since there are currently different ways to do it:

  • In a notebook or logbook. You can opt for something traditional and carry it in a notebook or blog that you write with your own hand. Choose one with some design that you like and that is preferably hard paste, so you can survive the passage of time and protect your pages. You could also choose a simple one that you can decorate yourself with wrapping paper.
  • In a blog on the Internet. If what you want is a newspaper that you can consult wherever and whenever, choose to open a blog. There are different platforms such as Wordpress or Blogger where you can create a blog for free, all you need to do is register and start writing.
  • In videos In case the writing is not your thing or you wish that it is better to tell it orally, you can choose to make videos in which you are documenting the course of your pregnancy.

When you know where you will tell everything that happens to you during this time you can start to document everything. If you don't know where to start, I give you some ideas:

  • Introduce yourself and talk about yourself. Who are you, what do you do, what are your tastes and hobbies now that you are not yet a mother. This is important because sometimes when we become mothers we forget a little who we were before the arrival of our children. Having it saved to read or see in the future will be a good way to resume our passions and remember that before we are moms we are also women.
  • Tell how you found out about the news. This is the moment where everything begins, practically the reason why you are now keeping that diary. How was your day? What happened before, during and after the test? What did you feel when you saw the positive and how do you see yourself now that you knew you would be a mother? Who was the first person you told?
  • Capture your feelings. Talk about what you feel, your hopes and illusions, your fears and your worries. Stop a moment to reflect and analyze this important moment of transcendental changes that are about to occur.

These are some ideas with which you can start your pregnancy diary. As you write or record you will realize that there are hundreds of things you can include in it: your medical appointments (do not forget to include what you felt when you saw him on the ultrasound), your cravings, changes in your body, the development of your baby month by month, their movements, your illusions and even your symptoms and discomforts.

In addition to documenting what you feel and live, you can write about your future plans: write down the things you would like to do with your baby in the future, what makes you excited or include a list of possible names and their meaning.

With the passage of time and since you have become a mother, reading or seeing your pregnancy diary will make you relive those moments and bring beautiful memories.

Did you keep a diary of your pregnancy?

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