How to keep children's sleep routines in summer

With the arrival of heat, holidays and the excitement that we usually do for the little ones, the activities we usually do at this time of year, the time to go to sleep can be complicated.

The late nightfall also does not help and although in summer there is usually more time flexibility, it is still important that children keep routines and sleep patterns that favor their rest. If your little one has a hard time going to sleep in the summer, we give you some tips that could help make that moment more bearable

The importance of a restful sleep

The Spanish Association of Pediatrics recommends that children rest a minimum of 10 hours a day, a figure that rises if we talk about preschoolers.

And the truth is that During the course it is easy to keep these indications and put the kids to bed early but when the holidays come, the situation becomes more complex.

Many children begin to accuse changes in their sleep patterns with the arrival of spring. The days begin to lengthen, the time changes, and the activity they demand is greater than in winter. The increase in park hours, outdoor games and sunshine often delays dinner time and, consequently, bedtime.

But with the arrival of summer vacations, everything gets out of control. Experts believe that it is normal that during the summer period we lose the schedules, both at the time of meals and rest. However, from the Sleep Institute they advise that after a few days of "freedom of time", the children gradually recover some sleep routines that will not only favor their rest, but will make them feel safer and happier.

What can we do to get children to go to bed early?

There are many families that at this time of year complain about how complicated it is to take children to bed. The heat and the late afternoon does not help, but parents can try to favor some sleep routines following these simple guidelines:

  • Promote the physical exercise during the afternoon, from playing in the park, to bathing in the pool or doing some sport. Outdoor activities improve concentration, cardiovascular and respiratory health, as well as relax children and promote their nighttime rest.

  • Give them a warm bath at the end of the day Since, generally, this routine has a positive impact on the quality of sleep, reduces stress and promotes relaxation.

  • Have a nutritious dinner but light, and try not to take them to bed with a full stomach.

  • Use soft and breathable mattresses and sheets, which help regulate the temperature and avoid sweat.

  • Lower the blinds to prevent outside light from preventing them from falling asleep or waking them up too soon. From the Sleep Institute they explain that melatonin is a substance that is secreted in the dark to "let us know" that we should sleep, hence the complicated thing that sometimes it is for children to sleep if they see light outside.

  • The room must be one temperature between 20-22 degrees on average

Sometimes, and depending on the orientation of the bedroom this is achieved simply by lowering the blinds to prevent the sun from entering during the day. But if this measure is not possible, you can refresh the environment using air conditioning that you should turn off when the children go to bed.

  • Electronics devices As touch screens, computers or televisions are also an important source of heat. And although it is recommended to avoid its use always before going to bed, in summer with more reason.

  • From the Sleep Institute they recommend that Naps for children over three years do not exceed two hours Don't get too late. "The nap should be a small break that makes you arrive at night without the feeling of extreme fatigue that leads us to feel bad and even have a bad mood" - indicate.

Carrying out these sleep routines regularly and continuously throughout the year and applying the peculiarities of summer, we will not only be favoring the rest of our children, but we will also make the return to school in September much easier and easier.

  • IStock photos

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