A father's pretty response to his wife when she said "this is not the body you fell in love with"

After becoming a mother, the woman's body is not the same as before. It is one of the changes that motherhood brings us and we must learn, little by little, to accept us and love us In that new body. It does not mean that you have to abandon yourself, at all, but to assume the change that has occurred and find a way to start feeling comfortable in your skin.

Laura Mazza, mother of two children and author of the Mom to the run blog shared on her Facebook profile a touching message of acceptance about her new image following a conversation she had with her husband. She told him, shattered, that she no longer had the body he had fallen in love with and her husband gave her the prettiest of answers.

"This is not the body you fell in love with." I told. The body he fell in love with was toned, I had muscles, there were no stretch marks in my belly, nor in my breasts, my gut had no muscle separation. The body he fell in love fit in tight jeans, he could go into a store, buy any size and leave, knowing that I would do well. My body now could not buy in those stores, nor wear leggings. His body remained the same, but mine changed in every way. It's not fair. I stood before him, exhausted and broken, tears sprouted from my eyes, "this is not the body you fell in love with".

He said: "You are right, it is not the body I fell in love with. Instead, it is a body that allowed our children to grow, fed our children, comforted our children, created life. I fall in love with your body every day. I didn't know what love was until I saw this body and discovered everything I could do, So thanks. "

Do not be ashamed of what you have, or how your body looks like mom, there is a lot of time to give up the cakes in the future, for now, enjoy the moments you have, and enjoy the fact that you have done something worthwhile. Every stretch mark and every dimple. If you need a reminder, this is it, this body you have now, worth every bit of love and more.

In Babies and more The postpartum photo of a recent mom that reminds us how wonderful the woman's body is

Acceptance of the image itself

During pregnancy the woman's body undergoes a great transformation, both physical and emotional. After having children, most women are left with stretch marks, a few extra pounds, wider hips, sagging breasts and more bulging bellies. There are also those who return to the silhouette they had before giving birth, and some transform their image to get the body they had always wanted.

Beauty is in all those new bodies, because they are bodies that they have created and given life to a human being, your son, the most wonderful thing a body can do. And, in addition, if your partner also sees it that way, the acceptance process is much easier.