It is not true that in summer children should leave the diaper: signs that will tell you if they are ready

There are many parents who come this time of year, consider that it is time for their children to leave the diaper behind. It's as if summer will bring with it the obligation to control sphincters for all children of a certain age group.

My first child is from August and I remember the social pressure I felt during his second summer Regarding this topic. "Take advantage of the good weather to remove the diaper, which is now the time", people told me. But no, it wasn't. Each child has their own rhythms and adults have to respect it and learn to identify the signs that could indicate that they are ready to take this important step..

Most children manage to control their sphincters during the day between two and three years. Night control usually occurs somewhat later. But this is not a fixed rule and, as in everything, each little one has her rhythm.

It is important that the responsible adults of the child We know how to identify the signs They tell us that you are ready to leave the diaper, and not be influenced by comments, advice not asked for or comparisons with other children. Why:

  • It is not true that by the age of two all children must leave the diaper: there will be children who mature, mentally and emotionally prepared at that age, and others who are not. We must be respectful with this process.

  • It is not true that summer is the right time to remove the diaper: It may be for some children or, conversely, it may not be.

How to know then if our son is preparing to leave the diapers? We tell you what are the signs that could indicate it.

Balance and coordination

One of the signs that will tell us if our child is prepared to leave the diaper is to have balance and coordination. You should walk well, run with some coordination, jump with both feet and go up and down stairs with help and alternating both legs.

Valentina Ganem, a psychologist specializing in early childhood and director of Grow Together with Art, tells us:

"That the child knows how to do these activities, or most of them, is one of the main physical indicators that will tell us that he is ready to leave the diaper. The development of the muscles and nerves involved in these activities, are what make possible voluntary sphincter control "

Able to hold urine for long periods of time

If we change the diaper every so often to our little one and it is always wet or if wake up from nap with soaked diaper, it's not the time still withdraw it.

The fact that he is able to make a "big pee" and not "pee" cuts, shows us that the muscles of his bladder are already able to retain urine for more or less prolonged periods of time.

The diaper bothers him

If the child he feels annoyed with the diaper and it is frequently removed or it is bad to be wet or pooping, it is indicating that it could be prepared for its withdrawal.

If, on the other hand, you do not care too much about having a dirty diaper or being naked, you are not aware of when you pee, you are clearly not prepared to leave it.

Let us know when you feel like it

It is important that the child knows how to say "pee", "poop", "poop", "potty", "toilet" ... In short some word with which you can identify your need to go to the bathroom. It is normal that at first everything calls him in a single way or that he does not know how to verbally distinguish the need to pee with that of pooping.

The terminology will be acquired over time, but at least you have to know how to say a word with which you can let us know when the time comes.

Show interest when other family members go to the bathroom

The fact that the child is interested in what happens when dad, mom or a brother goes to the bathroom is a great sign. It is important that you have that curiosity, that Know what is done in the toilet or in the potty and want to imitate it.

If, on the other hand, he has no interest or even expresses fear or refusal to sit in the cup or in the potty, it is not necessary to force him! Clearly, its time has not come.

Know the steps to follow when you want to go to the bathroom

If you show us your need to pee or poop, but you do not know what to do, where to go or you are not able to get off your pants and underwear alone, it is not the time to remove the diaper.

A little prepared you should know that as soon as you feel the need you have to go to the toilet or the potty, knowing how to get off (or at least try) clothes and sit properly.

It is also important that we instill from the beginning the importance of washing the handyman when they have finished.

He is proud of his achievements

A child who is prepared to leave the diaper should want to do it. Yes wants to "be older" (But because he wants to be, not because we try to convince him that he is) and is proud of his achievements, it is an excellent sign.

We we can motivate you by celebrating it every time you do, reminding you how proud we are and encouraging you to continue doing so well. That will favor their self-esteem and turn the process into a fun party.

When leaks occur, we should not scold the child but encourage him to keep trying and give naturalness to the subject because these escapes are part of the learning. In any case, if they were recurring and did not reduce over time, it is likely that we have precipitated with the withdrawal.

In this case, it is best to reapply the diaper (contrary to the belief that there is no need to go back, no matter what happens) and wait for the right time.

"It is normal for children to escape throughout childhood in situations of stress and with more reason when they are starting to leave the diaper. But if we observe any sign that indicates that the child is not doing well this process - for example , is afraid to poop or go to the toilet, it holds a lot of urine ... - I recommend go back to the diaper without any fear or doubt. "- advises Valentina.

These signals must be taken into account together and know that the fact of appreciating isolated signals in our child does not necessarily imply that you are already prepared to leave the diaper behind

"If not all, most of the signals must be given in the child. He may wake up wet from the nap one day but the rest of the signals will comply, for example" - Valentia reminds us

It should also be emphasized that this step is a very important moment for him, and as adults we must support their independence, accompany them in the learning process and, above all, promote their self-esteem.

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