What can we do to have that needy "time for mom"

A few days ago I told you about the importance of having time for us when we are mothers, or what I like to call it: time for mom. Among our multiple occupations we can forget about ourselves, so it is necessary to remind ourselves that we have the right to have a moment of relaxation or leisure.

Of course, as in many situations of motherhood, it is sometimes easier to say things than to do them. Finding time alone for us can be complicated, so today I want to share some tips and tips to be able to have that needy "time for mom".

Let's start being realistic

Many times when we think of "time for mom" we imagine perhaps taking a long and relaxing bath or taking a well-deserved 2-hour nap. The truth is that although that sounds divine, sometimes it is not possible because of the tight times we have at home with our family.

Now, it does not mean that that deserved bath or nap will never happen, but we must start being realistic and remember that the most important thing for mom is to get to have that feeling of well-being and joy after taking it.

If we find it very difficult to get or find enough free time to do something alone, we can start with small spaces of 10 or 15 minutes daily. With the passing of the days we can adjust our schedules until the time for mom is part of our daily routine.

Search small spaces in your day

I know that the first time you think about it you will say: I do not have time! And the truth is that no, we don't have it. What we need is make time. Actually, if we think about it, there are several small opportunities during the day in which we can begin to have time for ourselves, even if they are small.

I share you three very easy examples and probably most of us have every day: in the morning before the children wake up, at noon while they take a nap and at night when they have already gone back to sleep.

The question is as I commented, start being realistic. And to be, let's start with tiny steps. About 10 or 15 minutes in those three moments during the day will be enough to make a big change. By spending a minimum of 30 minutes a day just for you, you will see how you begin to feel better.

Ask for help

I understand that there will be situations or times when there will definitely be no opportunity to have our time for mom, either because our routine is full of activities or we end the day exhausted.

A good way to have that long-awaited time for us is the resort to the support of other people. I know that many mothers win the feeling of guilt and we may think that it is wrong to do so but we must accept that sometimes there is no other choice and we must ask for help.

If one day you feel overwhelmed or know that the week will be very heavy, you can plan in advance to ask a family member or a trusted person to visit them and take care of the children playing or watching a movie, so you can Have your time alone.

Take a free afternoon

I know, I know. This may sound like big words, especially if we are not used to doing it or if we feel guilty (I will talk about that in an article in the next few days), but you shouldn't feel bad mother for wanting to spend an afternoon alone. Especially not after knowing that mothers work on average 98 hours a week.

Perhaps finding small spaces in everyday life is somewhat complicated or you need more time to do something you like and 15 or 30 minutes a day is not enough. If it fits you better in your schedule to take a free afternoon a week or you just feel more like this idea, go ahead!

Ask your partner, your mother, your sister or your sister-in-law, or even if you think it's a good idea and you feel comfortable, a babysitter, to take care of the children a couple of hours and you can go to relax where you like: a cafe, a bookstore, the cinema, a park.

I know it may sound as if we downplay time with our children, but we must remember that it is also important that we feel good about ourselves. The fact of taking that space to disconnect from the daily hustle to focus on ourselves and what makes us happy in addition to our family, helps us to feel better with ourselves, and therefore, that the treatment with those around us is best.

What do you do to have time for yourself?

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In Babies and more | Time for mom: why is it important to have it, why are mothers always tired? Because we work 98 hours a week