A father shares a great letter written by Ratoncito Pérez on social networks encouraging his son to take more care of his teeth

Getting children to brush their teeth at least twice a day is not always easy. Parents know how important it is to keep good oral hygiene habits, but the little ones sometimes forget or get lazy, and we adults have to be very aware of instilling these good customs.

Therefore, a British father worried about the little interest that his son Sam put in brushing his teeth, devised a surprising and really motivating method to encourage your child to do it. Although for that he had to count on the invaluable help of Mouse Perez.

A letter from Ratoncito Pérez himself

Little Sam, eight, had dropped a tooth and was excited to put it under the pillow and wait for the reward of the Tooth Fairy or Perez Mouse, as we call it in other countries.

But Henry Warren, Sam's father, decided to take the opportunity to motivate his son with his daily toothbrushing, something that cost him too much to do. So he came up with the idea of create a letter signed by Ratón Pérez himself, which he placed under the child's pillow along with a coin.

The letter, which was shared on his Twitter account, went viral immediately and in our country a translated version of this original statement is already circulating on social networks:

Our son is dreadful at brushing his teeth. Turns out the Tooth Fairy has had enough pic.twitter.com/4WWmBvuo22

- Henry Warren (@henrywarren) September 5, 2017

Dear Mr. Warren,

This letter is to inform you that we have received your tooth and that it has already been properly processed in our system.

You will have noticed that there has been a delay in payment for the tooth. Mr. Warren, I have to inform you that this is due to the conditions in which we have found that tooth. We expect a certain amount of wear on the teeth, however in this case your tooth has had to be sent to the committee for an in-depth analysis.

We believe it is due to the lack of care and attention on your part. We have found large amounts of Fanta and chocolate and cereal residues that have not been properly cleaned with the brushing technique. We recommend that you review your technique urgently.

Mr. Warren, this time we accept the tooth, but we need you to assure us that the following conditions will be significantly better or we will have to withhold payment.


We do not know the face that Sam had left when he found the letter of the Little Mouse Perez reproaching him, with education, his poor dental hygiene. But surely the wise words of the guardian of the teeth penetrated deeply into him and from that moment he washes his mouth thoroughly.

There is no doubt that sometimes parents should look for tricks or ways to motivate our childrens so that they do things with desire and interest, and this letter is an original and excellent way to achieve it. What do you think about it? Did you like the idea of ​​this British dad?

  • Via The Economist

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