Let's not be comfortable: let's prevent our children from being the "back seat" generation

Not long ago the vast majority of children went to their schools walking. They gathered in groups, which became more and more numerous as other classmates joined, and arrived at their schools after a walk, more or less long, where laughter, anecdotes and conversations with friends were not lacking.

Currently, and according to a study published by the Karlstads University of Sweden, the trend is changing in developed countries. Children are now transferred to schools in their private cars, regardless of distance, and experts warn of the negative consequences that this may have on our children.

Why do we take our children to school by car?

The school paths of children have changed greatly in recent decades. Today, most children are driven to school in their private cars, instead of walking, cycling or even public transportation.

Jessica Westman, a psychologist at the University of Karlstads has carried out the study "What drives them to drive? The reasons for parents to choose the car to take their children to school", where the reasons that have influenced this obvious change are analyzed. To this end, 245 fathers and mothers of children between 10 and 15 years of age have participated in five schools in Sweden.

One of the things that most attracts the attention of researchers is that distance does not seem to be the only reason to opt for the car, since even over short distances and with a suitable environment for walking (good sidewalks, traffic lights, pedestrian walks ...) parents still prefer the car. Why?

Analyzing sociodemographic, environmental factors and reasons stated by the families surveyed, the study shows that parents opt for the private vehicle because they consider this It makes them gain time and comfort when traveling, in addition to many continue the journey to their jobs once they leave their children in schools.

On the other hand, researchers have seen that parents who habitually move by car perceive more danger in the environment than those who choose to walk anywhere, and this leads them to prevent your children from going to school alone.

This demonstrates that security is not a mere matter of environmental elements but of subjective aspects.

According to the studies, this subjectivity changes depending on the country in which we are, since in countries like the United States, for example, to concerns about the dangers of traffic or the harassment of other classmates that children may find on their way to school, other fears such as kidnapping are added, a fact that they do not usually take into account in the Nordic countries because it is considered extremely rare.

Negative effects of always using the car

According to Jessica Westman, the rising tide of "fathers taxis" that is emerging is causing the emergence of a generation of children "back seat", whose personality is negatively influenced by this way of raising.

They become passive

"When a child leaves home to walk or by public transport to school, you take the reins of your day, adopts an attitude that will accompany you throughout the day and that is not generated in the back seat of a car. There, what is cultivated rather is the package mentality "- states Westman in statements to the ABC newspaper.

Both this research and others previously conducted have also shown that children enjoy and experience greater satisfaction being active in their travels (either walking, by bike or by school bus), instead of being taken by car.

In addition, promoting autonomy in children not only helps them to gain maturity and self-esteem, but also to establish and / or strengthen social relationships with other classmates, by sharing the journey with them either on foot or by school transport, for example.

We don't let them fend for themselves

The psychologists of this study consider that if when they are of age we do not let our children go to school alone, we will be transmitting the dangerous message that We don't trust them to move around the world.

However, as a mother I ask myself the following question: Is it really in them that we don't trust, or is it in the world around them? A few days ago we talked about sexual predators, and we have also frequently addressed the issue of bullying.

I confess that both things terrify me but I am aware that we cannot (nor is it convenient) to always be there to protect them, so we must educate them as soon as possible in autonomy, provide them with the necessary tools to help them fend for themselves and fully trust them.

Giving them freedom to make decisions and to feel useful will give them confidence and help them solve problems and challenges.

We do not contribute to a correct road education

According to psychologists and associations of drivers such as the German ADAC, taking our children in the backseat of the car is not the best way to teach them driver education, since Traveling "package" are abstracted from traffic and circulatory standards.

There is no doubt that the more we move by car, the less opportunities children will have to interact, to understand how traffic lights work for pedestrians or to know where they should safely cross a road.

So, Take advantage of the trip to school by walking to instill respect among drivers, cyclists and pedestrians, as well as to teach them from a very early age the most basic traffic rules, while having fun and enjoying the ride.

Physical exercise and environmental respect

And last but not least, leaving the car at home and traveling by bike, walking or scooter, we will be contributing to start the day full of energy, in addition to promoting physical exercise since childhood and the development of healthy habits.

On the other hand, it is also important to be aware that road trips produce greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, so that an excellent way to educate our children in respect and care for the environment should also include the fact to leave our vehicle parked when it is not really necessary.

Personally, I felt very identified with this study since I often take my children to school by car even though the distance is very short. In my case, it is the rush and time in a hurry that influence this option, something that however would be very easy to solve by getting up ten minutes before.

So from now on I will try to leave the car at home more times, and since they are not yet old enough to go to school alone, we will start the day with a relaxed family walk, enjoying their conversations and laughs and learning about others. And you, are you also those who opt for the car or prefer to walk to school?

  • IStock photos

  • Via ABC

  • In Babies and More Please, never take your child in the car without an adequate child restraint system, The whole family by bike: encourage children to use the bicycle more, Going to school on foot is safe if the road is safe, 13 tips to promote the autonomy of our children