On the first flight of their baby, they apologize to the passengers in advance and present them with sweets: is it necessary to reach so much?

Traveling by plane with a baby may not be easy, especially if it is a multi-hour flight. Not being able to move or play freely could bother or irritate the child, and this is something that causes a lot of anguish to some parents, who fear that their child's cries or behavior may disturb other passengers.

That's how Lorenza's parents felt, a 12-month-old girl who was flying to Cancun for the first time, and that they decided to apologize in advance with the passage giving them a bag of candy and earplugs.

"I apologize in advance if I feel irritable"

Pao Reyes was about to embark to Cancun when a man, with his baby in his arms, presented him with a bag of sweets and a note explaining that it was the first flight of his daughter, and since he did not know how he could react, they apologized in advance to all passengers.

The woman was so impressed with the gesture of that man who hung the photographs on his Facebook account and the publication immediately went viral, being shared by more than 70,000 people:

Although many people praised the gesture of these parents and thanked them for caring for passengers, others criticized that anticipate that your daughter was going to take a bad flight, and there were also those who thought that the fact of having had to resort to this gift was nothing more than an indication of the lack of patience and tolerance that exists in society.

These are some of the comments that are extracted from his Facebook post:

"It is that nowadays parents do not know what to do with children. What a kind gesture, but how ugly that they are already expecting the worst. That is the problem: predispose"

"That is education, at least he apologizes and they prepared the survivor packet, so it's nice!"

"That has never happened to me, and what a devilish children have touched me"

"Wao that more aware, educated and thoughtful parents"

"Detailed! I recently read an article where I gave suggestions to parents about this type of situation, this was one of them. We would have to make an article that also promotes tolerance and solidarity of other travelers"

"It is a very nice detail, my cousin already applied it and says that the passengers are very nice and grateful for the detail, if I have to travel with my babies, if I plan to do it, you save bad faces and that the passengers understand you"

"What a detail, although no one should be scandalized by a little cry, it should be respected and understood, but I think it's a very big detail of those parents! I die of love!"

"I don't understand the need to apologize beforehand. In the end they are children who don't like to travel by private plane."

"It's super sad that you have to do this. Children are children, you were a child and more than once you made a noise that made people uncomfortable. This intolerance towards children, this lack of empathy towards parents is a true reflection of our society that only seeks to eliminate annoying children "

Empathy with passengers or little patience with children?

A baby can travel by plane practically since birth, and although we have not found ourselves in that situation, surely We can all imagine what a flight can mean for a small child.

Children get bored of sitting for hours, they may be hungry or cold, feel uncomfortable because of the little space they have to rest, play or walk, or even feel some discomfort in their ears due to the pressure.

Perhaps that is why these parents wanted to prevent the passage by giving them this detail (which, on the other hand, seems to be becoming fashionable) but, in my view, they took for granted a situation that perhaps never happened, also apologizing for the logical and normal behavior of a 12 month old baby.

In any case, with their gesture they showed concern and respect towards the rest of the travelers, and as we echoed solidarity and altruistic acts of passengers that helped others calm the children, I think this is something that should also Be pleased and valued.

Now, it is worth asking what has led these parents to this situation: perhaps the fear that people criticize or protest if your baby cries? And we have reached a point where it seems that children are always a nuisance, especially when we talk about air travel.

In my opinion, the really easy thing is to complain about children and their behavior, as well as not empathizing with parents or providing help. But yes we will all try to do our part, understanding the situation and extending our hand when it may be necessary, it would probably not be necessary to resort to these kinds of gifts, or apologize in advance for a behavior that in most cases is logical and normal. What do you think about it?

  • In Babies and More Children do not bother: open letter to those who believe that children should not travel by plane, A man takes care of a woman's baby in flight, demonstrating that there are small gestures that can be a great help, Record a child who screams and runs turning an eight-hour flight into a nightmare, but it is not the child's fault, do not complain, help: a passenger calms the baby of a mother who was traveling by plane with her three children

Video: Mum's 'touching' gesture to 200 passengers in case baby cries on 10-hour flight - News Live (July 2024).