11 things a mom who stays at home needs you to know

Before becoming a mother, my plans were always to continue working outside the home after having children. When my daughter was born, everything changed. I began to feel things that I didn't feel before, thoughts that I didn't have before and I found myself doubting and questioning all those plans that I had made in my head.

I returned to my office job, but I never stopped missing my daughter or feeling bad about not being with her. Eventually, that feeling grew so much that I ended up quitting my job when she turned one year old and became a mother who stays at home.

Having lived this experience, because now I am a mother who works from home while my daughter attends school, I would like to share 11 things that mothers who stay at home need that others know.

This is our job (and not at the same time)

The moms who stay at home to take care of the children, we are also working mothers. We may not receive a salary, but our value as women should not be minimized because we choose to stay at home with our children. To say that "we don't work" is to detract from what we do by staying at home with our children.

In Babies and more The message of a mother for those who think that moms who stay at home "don't work"

It is a huge responsibility

Caring for, feeding and protecting our baby is something that mothers are given naturally. It is our instinct that helps us grow more and more in our work as mothers. But that does not mean that it is simple or of little importance. Being a mother and taking care of a child is a great responsibility, because the life of another person, totally depends on us.

There are really difficult days

Staying at home with your children is a joy, we have to live in the front row all those moments of growth and self-discovery that our babies live as they develop. But just as there are very nice and good days, there are also difficult days, which feel heavy and that we would like to finish quickly to start over again the next day.

Sometimes we feel alone

Yes, we are always accompanied by our children. But the human being is sociable by nature, and as women we also need to talk and spend time with other adults (or at least they already know how to talk and we can have a conversation). Staying at home with children gives us days when there is always something to do, but it can be very lonely.

We have no free time - they are not vacations

The reaction of many people to know that a mother stays at home with children is usually a: "How lucky! Sure you rest a lot", because they think we do nothing. But this could not be further from the truth. Staying at home is not a vacation, in fact, it's the opposite of having vacations, because work at home and with children never ends and here there is no schedule in which "our day" ends.

We would like to be called occasionally

This goes hand in hand with that feeling of loneliness that sometimes invades us. We know that our friends and acquaintances have other responsibilities and issues to attend to, but it would be good if from time to time it is they and not only we who do our best to maintain communication. A call or message from time to time, would help us to remind ourselves that we are not alone.

We do not believe that we are better mothers

Some people believe that mothers who stay at home think better than those who continue their working lives after having children. But actually, none is better than another. Everyone does things as they work best for her and her family, and personally, I think there is not even a point of comparison between them. We all do it amazing.

In Babies and more Nine mothers who are happy to have quit their jobs and stay home with their children

Sometimes we need a break

As I mentioned, they are not vacations, and although having a child is one of the greatest joys in the world, we also need a break. A free afternoon, a day to take a nap of three or four hours, are small things that would make us very happy.

Sometimes we don't know what day it is

Being "equal" every day, without routine changes or without a fixed office or office schedule, it is normal that sometimes we get confused and do not know what day we are. We can forget compromises or get confused, and we largely blame the famous "mummies" or mothers' amnesia.

Yes, we know we are lucky

One of the comments I received most when people learned that I had given up to stay at home with my daughter was to let me know how lucky she was. We know that we are, we know that there are mothers who wish they could stay at home and enjoy their children at all times, and for the same reason, We are grateful to have this opportunity.

We would do it again without hesitation

Staying at home with children can be exhausting and leaving us without a free minute for us, as well as isolating ourselves a little from the people we used to frequent. But without a doubt, we would do it again without hesitation.

Why being a mom who stays at home is a unique experience, and it is full of moments that will remain forever in our hearts.

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In Babies and more | The women who take care of their children are also working mothers, How your way of thinking changes when you have your baby: the day my wife decided not to work, A woman documents the day-to-day of motherhood for those who believe to see that does nothing at home