The tone of women's voice changes after becoming mothers, we explain why

After having children, there are many changes we notice in our body: from our belly and our breasts, to our skin and hair. All of them are changes that we can see with the naked eye and which we can easily realize.

But did you know that also change your tone of voice after becoming a mother? A recent study discovered it and explains why this happens.

According to this new research from the University of Sussex School of Psychology, women's tone falls temporarily after having their first baby.

After analyzing the variations in women's voices for 10 years, 5 years before and 5 years after having children, they found that after becoming mothers, the tone of voice was reduced and also became more monotonous. However, this only happens during the first year after having your babies.

It is believed that this can be caused by all the hormonal changes that are experienced during pregnancy and postpartum, because according to the researchers, Women's tone also changes with the menstrual cycle., becoming higher during fertile days and decreasing after menopause.

Another theory of the researchers, is that said change of voice after the birth of the first baby, may be due to a question of behavior. That is to say, that women modulate their voice to sound a bit more authoritarian, to be now in the position of mothers and face the challenges that motherhood brings to them.

Similarly, the change in the tone of voice could also be due to physical and mental fatigue experienced during the first months with the baby, although researchers do not consider this to be the main reason.

This study is further proof of the incredible and total transformation we went through when we became mothers, because even our tone of voice is modified with the arrival of the baby.