Infant Colic

It is a truly hard adaptation, once the baby is outside the uterus, it can have bad times.

Most babies usually cry at the end of the day, this usually happens from their first or second week of life until about the third month.

These periods of crying are longer every day, they even reach three hours from the sixth week and decrease from this moment until the third month. This should not worry us if during the rest of the day our baby is healthy and happy.

Although there are some exceptions, some babies seem restless all day and do not stop crying, it seems that something hurts, you see how they stretch and shrink their legs, turn red, expel gas, their stomach is distended. All these symptoms are considered infant colic if repeated more than three days per week. Some researchers argue that colic is due to an immature gastrointestinal system. But there are some causes that we must consider. Infants fed with formula milk have an allergy or intolerance to cow's milk proteins, although there are also breast-fed babies who are sensitive to the milk their mother takes, which reach him.

We realize that during the shots babies are uncomfortable, cry with rage, do not want the breast, or the bottle. We see that they are hungry but do not want to eat. In these cases it is best to consult your pediatrician, since if the baby had an allergy, it would improve if the mother rescinded that milk she drinks or the baby drank a special milk.

Sometimes we do not find the cause of his discomfort, but we must have patience, cradle it, be with a quiet person when the parents are nervous, often take it in their arms ... in the cultures where the baby is attached all day to the body of the Mother, even if she has colic, she cries less. A baby with colic feels better when held in arms or rocked.

Video: Colicky Baby Sleeps To This Magic Sound. White Noise 10 Hours. Soothe crying infant (May 2024).