Lilypie Baby Days, the site of the countdown

Lilypie Baby Days is a very original site that offers many free services. Entering a couple of dates, generates various codes to insert in your blog or on your website that are updated automatically. The result is a beautiful poster that shows the countdown of various important events related to your child's life. In the image above you can see the example of the days left for the next birthday of my daughter Agustina (the design and the doll that illustrates the poster she chose them recently).

The calculations that you can do are very varied: calculate the days left until your baby is born (they have also contemplated the arrival of the adopted child), how many days you have been pregnant and when will the probable date of delivery, as well as determine the date of ovulation if you are looking to conceive and the exact days remaining for the child's next birthday. I have also tried the generation of signatures for forums and the effect is very nice.

The site also offers the possibility of keeping the baby's Wish List organized; This service allows certain privacy policies, so you can configure it so that the list is only private or shared with the people you choose.

The author maintains a similar benefit for weddings and anniversary and holiday calculations, and another space dedicated to illustration and the anime she draws. is currently accessible in English and German, but they promise an upcoming translation into Spanish.

Official site | Lilypie Baby Days

Video: Baby @ 12w scan (April 2024).