Postpartum hair loss, why and what can you do to strengthen your hair?

One of the concerns of recent mothers in terms of beauty is related to the hair loss after childbirth. The woman may notice that after the birth of her baby she loses more hair than usual: there is more hair left on the brush, on the pillow, on the clothes, in the shower ...

Quiet, it is absolutely normal. Most women lose hair in the months after giving birth. We explain the why postpartum hair loss and how to take care of it to recover your hair.

Hormones and hair

During pregnancy, the whole body is revolutionized by the action of hormones, and hair is no exception. The woman's hair undergoes changes because placental hormones cause an increase in sebaceous secretion of the scalp. Therefore, depending on the type of hair the woman has before becoming pregnant, the changes will affect her in one way or another. Some look better than ever, while in others the hair becomes brittle, greasy or dull.

These hormones are also responsible for hair loss less during pregnancy. Estrogen secretion maintains almost all hair growing.


Once the woman gives birth, two or three months after childbirth, a massive fall of all that hair that has not been lost during pregnancy. If it is normal to drop 50 to 100 hairs a day, in this phase many more fall.

After delivery, the hormones rebalance and the hair that had been stopped in the growth phase during pregnancy begins to fall out quite a bit sudden and abrupt.

It is not true, therefore, that breastfeeding is responsible for hair loss after childbirth. It is one of the false myths that surround it and it has nothing to do with breastfeeding with hair loss. A woman who does not breastfeed also drops her hair the following months after having her baby.

What to do to strengthen it

The postpartum hair loss is not to worry. Is a normal and natural physiological process that the woman experiences after giving birth. However, there are certain tips you can follow to take care of your hair at this stage.

Food is very important, since the hair bulb is nourished by the vitamins and minerals it receives through the bloodstream. What you should do is to have a varied and healthy diet and not only to strengthen the hair, but for your health and that of your baby.

  • Increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables, dairy and cereals. Pay special attention to foods rich in Vitamin B (oatmeal, soy, brewer's yeast, chicken, fish, avocados), Omega-3 fatty acids present in blue fish, nuts and some vegetables, as well as in minerals such as calcium, iron, iodine and zinc (meat, lamb, wheat germ, squash, peanuts, oysters, chickpeas, spinach, etc.).

  • In addition, in the phase of greatest fall avoid aggressive hair treatments, excessive use of dryer and irons, and use a mild shampoo with neutral PH.

  • There are also nutritional supplements to strengthen the hair and provide density and volume, as well as lotions and specific shampoos for hair loss, but if in doubt consult a doctor as some are not compatible with the period of pregnancy and lactation.

As you see, postpartum hair loss It is a natural process through which most women who have just become mothers go through. Even so, if you notice excessive hair loss, depopulated parts of the scalp or that the fall extends for a year or more, it would be advisable to go to a specialist.