Breathing technique for contractions

Proper breathing will help you relax and cope with contractions when it is time for labor. During dilation, contractions can be quite painful, a situation that causes the mother to be anxious. If you achieve a conscious and controlled breathing rate that accompanies each contraction, you will feel calmer and contribute to lessen the pain. Practicing the breathing technique during pregnancy will cause you to internalize it and then it will occur naturally.

The technique is very simple and the key is that you are only aware of your breathing. You should put yourself in a comfortable and relaxed position. At the beginning of the contraction make a sigh to prepare yourself. Take a deep breath through your nose and fill it slowly through your mouth. If the contraction is very strong you can do a shallow and accelerated breathing at the highest peak. At the end of the contraction, again a deep sigh of relief and relaxation. Cleaning breaths at the beginning and at the end of the contraction are very important from the physiological point of view because they help to oxygenate the baby and the mother and from the psychological point of view because they mark the duration of the contraction and prepare the mother to The next.

Video: BREATHING Techniques for an EASIER LABOR. How To Breathe During Labor. Birth Doula (May 2024).