Why do children speak loudly?

From the year on, the children give free rein to their vocal cords, express their emotions without any kind of blunder, be it joy or anger. Why? They know that they attract attention.

Its expressiveness is very large, since language is an underdeveloped instrument in them. The few words that they know, offer them very limited possibilities to be able to communicate well and it is for this reason, that they use body language, gestures and voice, with grimaces, clapping, lollipops or shrieks.

Children's reactions can be very spectacular and very dramatic wanting to express their emotions, they turn to the shout because it is very effective to make their needs felt, they realize that parents are quick to satisfy them. In short, it is a very effective, fast and forceful way to get attention.

When we hear the little boy shout, depending on the situation, we should not be scared, we must learn to distinguish when they should be comforted in their despair if they have justification and when we must ignore them if their tantrums are theatrical. Children live in their world, full of a multitude of irresistible stimuli, things to touch, see and do, this keeps them in a continuous state of exaltation and many of those things are still forbidden, you cannot allow them to do according to what, of there that the shout is cousin brother of the pataleta and that in many occasions he announces the arrival of this one.

Therefore, it is advisable to have a moderate tone of voice, we should not scream or have a high tone of voice, in this way no authority is imposed, do not quarrel screaming, do not argue angrily in front of him. We, the parents, are his example and our children look at us as models, our behavior must always be adequate to be a good role model.

We also know that sometimes shouting is essential, shouting at a danger is a valuable resource. If you see that your son puts his fingers in the plug, when he shouts at him, he is scared and removes his fingers, of course, he will be scared and cry, but it is better than not that something could happen to him.

We can't stop him from shouting, but we can try not to do so much. For example, the next time you shout, speak softly in whispers, you may be surprised and lower your tone of voice. Put words to his feelings such as, "I know you get angry because I don't let you ..." and explain why not and what could happen if we let him. Teach him to differentiate situations and to use the right words by substituting the shouts for them.

The screams at this age are a natural form of communication, every day they live a new experience, something to know, lots of news, how can they not scream?

Video: Why Does My Child Talk So Loudly? (July 2024).