This summer, learn science by playing!

If your child is one of those who enjoys trying to figure out why things happen, doing experiments and solving problems of all kinds, Summer does not have to stop his eagerness to continue learning while having fun.

Today we want to share an educational resource that can be a great ally for your vacation: the YouTube channel Science In Focus, an original and fun proposal that will stimulate the scientific learning of children. We tell you everything you can find in it!

Little scientists

Science in Focus was born five months ago as a Youtube channel with scientific character, especially aimed at children from six years. In it, the little ones can find videos starring a crazy scientist named Vicky and her adventure partner Edgar, who will show them the science from a fun and dynamic point of view.

Since the beginning of its journey and to date, the Science in Focus channel posted a total of 14 educational videos between three and five minutes long, whose main objective is to teach children to think like real scientists.

The videos start with a question you intend capture the child's attention and arouse his curiosity. Throughout the video, Vicky will expose the theory to deepen the topic raised and encourage children to develop their own hypotheses and draw their conclusions.

In some videos, simple and fun experiments easy to replicate are proposed, as well as interesting facts for those children who wish to continue learning about the world around us.

The channel is part of the Argentine company Ox Education, an innovation program for education that combine knowledge with technology to offer creative and fun proposals to enhance children's learning.

Learn while having fun

Summer vacations are long, and well used can be used to carry out a lot of activities and plans. The pool, the beach and family excursions do not have to be at odds with learning and reinforcement of everything learned during the course, provided it is done in a playful way and from absolute freedom.

Learn science from home not only It is fun, but it has multiple benefits for children. In addition, they can do it in several ways: from conducting homemade scientific experiments or inventing surprising educational projects, to immersing themselves in reading a good book or learning through new technologies, as we have just seen.

But when our children sit in front of the computer or iPad, let's also remember these simple rules for safe play:

  • Limit the time children spend in front of the screen

  • No computers or screens before going to sleep.

  • Place the computer in a transit place in the house, and if it is an iPad, ensure that the child plays next to us.

  • Be interested in the videos that our children watch or games; Learning with them, talking about what we just saw and spending time together is a good way to strengthen ties and have a fun time with your family.

  • And, above all, choose video games that stimulate creativity, learning and reading.

Photos | iStock

Video: Cool Magnet Magic Tricks. Fun Science for Kids School Learning Playing (May 2024).