Changes in the child's appetite

After two years, the child can enter another phase of feeding, his needs change and our behavior must adapt to him. If the child's body does not need more food, we should not force him to eat, since the physiological changes and changes in appetite, are a normal factor and by forcing it we would oppose those changes.

He is also at an age where everything fascinates him, his attention is focused on many things but eating is not one of them. You have to be patient and try to provide a healthy and balanced diet, guiding you in the most appropriate eating habits for your age. It may not be the amount you would like him to eat, but the most important thing is that the one he takes is the most accurate.

Playing with colors, with flavors, shapes or textures is an ideal solution to cause attention to food. It also influences the moments, give your child to try something new at the beginning of the meal, because at this time it is when he is most hungry and may be a food more accepted by him. The truth is that at this age it is difficult to make a child enjoy what he eats and teach him to do it is not an easy task but it is forced, since in his growth our behavior will be reflected, that is, he will eat everything, most you will enjoy food and this will result in proper development thanks to the different types of nutrients.

Nutritional habits are very important, as for example, habituate our son to have a good breakfast, because we already know that the morning rush manages to leave us with a glass of milk coming out the door.

There are a lot of guides that help parents feed their children, these guides are of great interest, since they provide us with help regarding nutritional education for our child.

The age of the two years marks a before and after as far as education is concerned, for this reason we must put a little more emphasis with their eating routines, they will guarantee a healthier future.