How to prepare inverted nipples

Normally, when the breast areola is pressed between two fingers, the nipple protrudes and becomes erect. But, if the nipple seems to retract inward instead of projecting outward, it is said to be inverted. This can make breastfeeding difficult, since it will take a lot for the child to take the nipple with his mouth to suck it and get the milk. Fortunately, if this problem is detected during pregnancy, it can be easily treated before the baby is born.

He simplest treatment of an inverted nipple It consists of using a liner, that is, a special protector that is placed inside the bra to wear while awake, several weeks or months before delivery. This plastic protector, sold in most baby stores and pharmacies, is shaped like a hollowed out dome. The inner face, which must be in contact with the skin, has a hole through which the nipple is inserted. The circular area around this hole exerts a smooth and uniform pressure on the areola, causing the nipple to protrude outward and into the hole. In the end, the nipple ends up adopting this form, even when the nipple is removed.

Rarely, in severe cases of inverted nipple, the nipples are not effective. Sometimes, the inverted nipple is not diagnosed until after delivery. In such cases, specialists will teach the mother to use an extractor before placing the baby on the chest. Sucking the baby will also help the inverted nipples end up projecting out.

Video: Medela PersonalFit Breast Shield - Selecting the best size (May 2024).