Too permissive parents

The extremes are nothing good in this life. And this also applies to the education of children.

I think be too permissive parents It's as bad as being too rigid parents.

It is one thing to attend, give love and meet the needs of our children and another is to satisfy all their desires and whims.

Parents are in charge of setting the limits for our children, but in the sense of marking them a way forward, indicating what is right and what is wrong, accompanying them in their development with a lot of communication and love, but letting them mature and doing for themselves. same. Setting limits does not mean being strict or bad. On the contrary, we are giving our children the guidelines to be a safer and more mature person in the future.

The child to whom all whims are satisfied becomes a mistaken idea of ​​the world. Life is not like that, you can't have everything you want, and that would have to be transmitted to our children.

On the other hand, the child to whom we allow everything will not know how to resolve conflicts in the future by himself. He will always expect someone to solve them for him. And unfortunately or fortunately, life is not like that either.

At least this is my modest opinion in the difficult job of educating children.

Video: Permissive Parenting The Pros & Cons of this Parenting Style (July 2024).