The game of own house

As children grow up they look for places where they can have their own space and enjoy their world. Thus, they begin to exercise their right to privacy.

It is after three years or so when you will see that your child looks for their own shelters. At first you will improvise a little house with some sheets, a box or under the table and gradually it will become more demanding in the design and construction of your own playhouse.

They usually make it “their place” where they often do the same thing they do outside like reading a book or playing with their favorite toys, but from inside, the rules are put by them. And everyone who enters their shelter must abide by their internal rules. We can provide you with materials to build or items to decorate your home like cans, boxes. Any object and place is valid to build your own shelter, a tree, a corner of the room, the garden ...

Of course, if we have the honor of being invited to your home, we must respect their own rules, play as they want and whatever they want. In addition, they will love officiating hosts where they are the masters.

If you don't have much space at home, here is a proposal to build a house with cardboard boxes in one afternoon.

Video: RENOVATING THE MOST EXPENSIVE HOUSE IN THE GAME!! - House Flipper Gameplay (July 2024).