With folic acid increases the possibility of having twins after in vitro fertilization

According to the Researchers at the Rowett Research Institute and the Aberdeen University in Scotland, it has been discovered that Women who have high levels of folic acid are more likely to have twins after undergoing in vitro fertilization. Although folic acid does not improve the chances of conception, it does increase the chance of generating two fetuses.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed a total of 602 women who were undergoing a fertility treatment, also conducted questionnaires to know the type of food they followed. After analyzing the levels of folate in the blood and checking the amount they ingested, the relationship between folate and in vitro fertilization was discovered. According to Paul Haggarty, director of this study, there is a close relationship between the survival of embryos from in vitro fertilization with folic acid levels. The embryo needs this acid to develop and for this reason women who want to get pregnant are advised to start taking it before conception. Only in this way the risk of neural tube disorder in future babies is reduced.

This study has been published in the scientific journal The Lancet and it shows the increase in multiple births after fertility treatments.

You already know, if by chance you are undergoing a fertility treatment, you will have more chances of having twins.

Video: Multiple Births and Fertility Treatment (July 2024).