Pregnant women frequently consult pharmacists

In the I Talk IVI (Valencian Institute of Infertility) Vigo of Gynecology and Obstetrics for Pharmacists, held last June 8 in Pontevedra, its director, Elkin Muñoz, said that pregnant women are prescribed an average of 3.1 prescriptions Pharmacological that are not vitamins.

In the session he addressed the topic “Drugs and pregnancy”, suggesting that pharmaceutical professionals should be properly trained and updated in this field to be able to respond to the number of consultations of pregnant women who address them, confirming that many Women consume medications during pregnancy.

There is also innovation in assisted reproduction, another topic that professionals should know, because during this period there are different physiological changes that cause drugs to modify their pharmacodynamics, that is, the effects of drugs in an organism modified by the pregnancy. Elkin Muñoz is right when he says that the pregnant woman or the one who wants to stay in state, is very concerned about the possible consequences that drug consumption may have, so queries to pharmacists are very frequent, receiving the information, they also receive peace of mind and security to continue the treatment.

Without a doubt, we have a lot of confidence in pharmacists, but it is clear that they have to be the order of the day, so it will never hurt to compare the information received with the healthcare professional.

Video: Peoria pharmacist denies woman of prescribed abortion pill (July 2024).