If your baby is breastfeeding, these are the keys that will help you verify that you are well fed

The literature on breastfeeding, pediatricians, midwives in preparation for childbirth and qualified lactation consultants repeat to satiety that, with few exceptions diagnosed by specialists, All women can breastfeed their children and can produce enough milk.

But still, it is logical that doubts assail the first-time mother in his first steps with breastfeeding. Therefore, today we want to tell you what aspects you should take into account to know that your baby is feeding correctly.

Seven signs that your baby is feeding correctly

According to the Lactation Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatricians and the Lact App breastfeeding app, your child will be well fed if:

  • Its weight increases around 150 to 200 grams per week, from the fifth day to four months of age. Babies usually lose between 4 and 6% of their weight and up to 10% the first days of life. It is something physiological and it is normal to recover it a week.

Pediatricians rely on percentile tables to assess the proper development of children. They are “growth curves” in which the expected growth rates for the children are shown, according to their age and sex.

The 50th percentile is the average. This means that a baby whose weight is in this percentile, weighs or measures the same as 50% of babies or children of the same age and sex. But the rest of the values ​​between the 3rd and 97th percentiles are considered as normal. Therefore, only 3% of babies of any age can have a weight that is under or above normal.

The calculator provided by the hospitals under the Initiative for the Humanization of Birth and Lactation Assistance (IHAN) may be useful for you to know what percentile height and weight your baby is, according to the Organization's standards World Health.

  • Breast at least 10 to 12 times a day. They don't always suck for 'hunger'. Breastfeeding also meets other needs, such as attachment. This is what UNICEF says.

Do not watch the clock or stipulate the shots every three hours at least, as was done before, but offer the breast on demand when the baby asks. That is why it is important to ignore the 'well-intentioned' comments of people who if they see you with your baby to your chest continuously tell you that "you don't have enough milk; this baby is hungry."

  • From the fifth day of life the baby makes several little cups a day, usually after each shot, or more. Your bowel movements are usually yellow-gold and soft.

After six weeks, the baby It can be 10 days or more without staining the diaper, without being a sign of constipation. When you finally do them, they should be soft and yellow, that is, normal for a breastfed baby.

  • Urine several times a day. An abundant, clear and regular pee is a sign that the baby is healthy, well fed and hydrated.

You can not quantify the number of times you need to urinate (talk about at least 5-6 a day) but if you see the diaper drier than usual, ask the pediatrician. It may be because he has taken less breast (because he is sick, upset, because he has not been offered frequently ...), because he has sweated more than usual if it is hot or because he has a fever.

In summer, more than ever, remember that breastfeeding should always be on demand to ensure proper hydration on the hottest days.

  • You can hear him swallow when he breastfeeds. It's sucking well if it doesn't hurt and you see how it makes slow movements of the entire jaw and swallows.
Many times the problems with breastfeeding are due to a bad grip on the baby. There is no position to breastfeed better than another: it should only be comfortable for the mother and make the milk reach the child well.

As for the baby's posture, it will be correct when the body is aligned so that: ear, shoulder and hip form a straight line.

You will know that the grip on the chest is good, according to Lact App if the chin and nose are touching the chest, with the lips out, the baby has the neck understood and is more visible areola by the upper part of the mouth than by the bottom. In addition, you do not have to hurt your breast, your cheeks should be rounded when breastfeeding and the nipple comes out long when the baby releases it.

  • Your breasts are softer after breastfeeding Remember that it is important to try to offer both breasts so that they both empty completely and thus avoid problems of breast obstruction or asymmetry.

  • Has wet eyes, the skin is hydrated and shows interest in looking at you or anyone who takes you in the arms.

Of course, knowing these signs will reassure you, and convince you that you are feeding your toddler with the most complete food you can offer: breast milk. This is explained by UNICEF.

But if you reflect a little, you will convince yourself that you do not need more than your mother's intuition and love to know if your child grows healthy and happy.

And just one last piece of advice: if breastfeeding is uphill or you have doubts, contact a breastfeeding support group, made up of mothers like you and expert advisors on the subject.

Because besides feeding him, It is important that you enjoy (enjoy) those moments of tenderness and intimate mother-child contact. I tell you (from my own experience) that this wonderful feeling of complicity and love will never be erased from your memory.

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Video: Breastfeeding Intake Assessment - Part 1, How to know if a baby is drinking enough milk. (May 2024).