Moms with stress

You may be a very active mom, that you take care of the children, of a business, the tasks of the house and also dedicate the remaining time to other necessities. At the end of the day, it is logical that you feel tired and any small setback can make you stress your inner stress through screams, bad faces, etc.

For everything there is a solution, the first thing to consider is whether you can correctly meet all the responsibilities acquired, temporarily possibly yes, but in the long run no, because stress or exhaustion It can surface and it reverts against those around you. Therefore, the alternative is to delegate responsibilities, you need help, your partner or failing a family member or friend, can free you from that overload and help you with children or household chores.

Sometimes, if you can't turn to anyone, you choose to hire a person to attend the house or the children, of course this is an expense that not everyone can afford, since a large part of the salary is destined to pay the employee. But you have to be mental, thinking about money does not compensate when it comes to physical and emotional health, personal well-being and those around you.

If you have the opportunity, hiring a person to help you is the most appropriate option, this is preferable to screaming at your children and your partner. The most important thing is to analyze the way of life, seek inner peace, share games with your children and reduce unnecessary activities that reduce time and aggravate stress.

Video: Why Moms Are Miserable. Sheryl Ziegler. TEDxWilmingtonWomen (June 2024).